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    I shivered. It was freezing cold. The small cramped cage barely allowed me to move.  I cramped all over and my back ached from staying in the same position to long. I shifted trying to get comfortable even though I knew that was almost impossible.
There came a crash from the door and the pet owner stormed through.
        He was a tall beefy man with thick eyebrows and a cruel face. His hair was a dark brown and cut in a short style.  He had almost black eyes that held nothing but cruelty and greed.He had a broad whip in his hand and a cruel almost gleeful expression.
     He stalked over to my cage.  It faced towards the door like all the others so that we would always see him aproach.  He walked over to my cage with a whip in hand. Unease filled my stomach  I remembered the last time he had whipped me.  It had hurt like hell for weeks. He got to my cage and wretched it open grabbing me by the hair he dragged me forward.  I let out a ear piercing scream but didn't struggle afraid he would hurt me more if I did.
     He dragged me to the toward the door and out it not giving me a chance to stand up.  I could feel the gravel scrapping against me legs leaving bloody marks.  He dragged me out the door and turned left heading towards the door.
        I felt like I was going to be sick. I didn't crying knowing what was about to come. He started chuckling seeing the terrified expression on my face. Breathing heavy trying to calm myself as I was pushed through the door and shackled to the wall from the chains hanging from the ceiling. I whimpered but didn't dare make any more sound as he faced me. A sadistic grin appeared on his face.  He moved towards me and began to remove the brown dress that I wore hands lingering on my breasts he pulled back and eyed me with lust.                                    
         I had red hair and forest green eyes with full lips and long eye lashes.  My breasts and butt were big but everything else was scrawny and bony.  The only reason I hadn't been picked was because my blood type was O positive a common blood type.
         I trembled as his gaze swept over me. I knew he wanted me and the only reason he didnt already have me was because virgins sold for more and he was to greedy to give up money.
          He grabbed the whip and and drew it back. It came crashing down on my back. I screamed in pain it felt like a knife was cutting open my back.   He let it release again and i heard the ripping sound as it went across me body.
      He looked at me with a sneer "Does that hurt?" I closed my eyes as tears slid down my face.
        His grin only widened as he whipped me again. I started counting the number of times he whipped me to cope with the pain. I got to 20 before my body collapsed. he stopped and came over and unshackled me letting me fall to the floor. 
     My back screamed out in pain as I landed.  He grabbed my hair and draged me from the room. My back was screaming to stop moving but I didn't have the strength to resist.
         By the time we got to the door I was almost unconscious  and my breathing labored.  He shoved me in the cage ignoring my cry of pain and left.
        I curled up into a ball and tried to ignore the trobbing in my back. I hated my life sometimes I wished I could just die so the hurting would stop but I wasn't willing to give up. I wouldnt let them have my will along with the rest of me. I would not give up I would escape someday and  get out of this hell hole. With these thought I drifted to sleep.

Please don't be rude this is my first time writing and i did my best please comment and vote it is most appreciated

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