Chapter 13

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~ Chapter 13 ~

Takaba growled in his mind. He was frustrated. He was damn frustrated and he hated himself for it. His eyes still lingered on the two men but now there was some kind of a helpless shade in them and a pained smile nestled on his pinkish lips. He felt like he had been slapped back to reality and it ****ing hurt! He was forced back to the true world. The world of the man whose rules made everything and everyone move. He was just a tiny insignificant part of it. He wondered how much more he didn't know about that man. Every single time he felt closer to him something like that happened and his confidence into their fragile relationship vanished into thin air. It had been more than two years since he knew him. Countless days and nights spent together meant nothing yet again. There was Akihito now ... seeing an entirely different aspect of that person ... yet again, again and again. The blond heaved a heavy breath and finally tore his eyes away.

It had felt like a little escape from reality ... this trip to London with just the two of them. Thanks to it he had started thinking about their relationship more and more. He felt a bit relieved that he hadn't jumped to the wrong conclusions incited by the other's unrepresentative actions lately. And that laughter ... that pure rich laughter that made his heart flicker every time he heard it. How could he possibly ever forget it? How could he go back to his old stubborn self after it still echoed in his ears? 'Nothing has changed I suppose!" He thought calmly ... without remorse ... just a dull feeling of loss at the back of his mind. A moment ago something had stung him so hard that he suddenly felt numb to all sensation. It hadn't really been that shocking seeing Asami kiss another man. It was not that matter that had shaken him so hard. It was the lies, the reticence, the lack of trust, the fact that they were simply trampling on the very same spot that they found themselves standing two years ago. Another sigh ... and that was it. There would be no more mourning on the circumstances. He was stronger than this and he would prove it ... yet again.

'Well ... I might as well try and enjoy myself!' The moment he tried to shake off the glum thoughts and take a look around the paintings ... a little smile already playing on the corner of his lips ... a pair of strong hands circled him from behind and squeezed him hard ... draining the air from his lungs in mere seconds. Two lips buried in his ear and the youngster could almost feel the smile on them. The shock passed and he stilled. He knew that scent.

- "I missed you ... Aki-kun!" The lips spoke with a deep velvety voice that still managed to sound playful in its masculinity. Takaba's eyes widened in recognition and he turned abruptly to sink into the deep blue oceans of the other's eyes.
- "Ta-Takeshi!?" They boy but whispered and held a breath at the sight holding him firmly in its grip.
- "The one and only!" That radiant smile never left the man's lips when he leaned closer again ... their noses almost touching. "Do you know that you look murderously sexy in that suit Aki-kun? The moment I saw your silhouette I already knew that I wanted to do you ... but to find out it was you? I felt happy and disappointed at the same time! Disappointed cus the obstacle between me, you and the bed is just a couple of feet away!"

Takaba stood speechless ... his mind barely grinding the new information. He could only stand and look into those endless cerulean orbs. It felt like ages since he had last seen them. After that day in that hotel or whatever it was when Takeshi had told him everything they had never seen each other again. The man had only called him once after that to wish him good luck and to reassure him that ... . The blond winced when he remembered the exact words - 'My arms and my bed are always open for you Aki-kun! Just give me a call if you get tired of that grumpy menace!' Akihito just couldn't actually make up his mind about who exactly the menace here was. He slightly shook his head before looking straight in the other's sapphire orbs.

He had missed that person. One way or another he had definitely missed him. The open smile ... the always laughing eyes ... the free attitude ... the sincerity or whatever there was left of it after he had found out the truth ... or what he thought was the truth. They had shared so many moments together. How could he ever forget? His mind finally switched back on from the memories and he digested the lines that had been breathed almost on his lips.

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