Chapter 1: The Fall

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Chapter 1: The Fall

The world used to be a safe place. Not exactly a happy place, but it was still safe. Despite the fact that no one communicated face-to-face anymore, that almost everyone turned down religion, that no one could survive without the internet in easy reach, and that love was taken for granted, the world was safe. Of course, there was the occasional psycho murderer, natural disaster, and accident-prone person, but not once did the entire world actually live in death.

It all started in various ways. Some say it was a mixture of fatal diseases, others say it was God's new form of Judgment Day, and even more say it was the Devil taking over the world he had originally helped doom. More and more theories took form over the years, months, weeks, and days that the apocalypse raged it's hellish fire onto. There had been millions of fictional stories on incidents like this, but no one ever took anything so silly as an actually very serious possibility. That was the problem, everyone thought it was just a story. The truth was, as far as anyone knew, no one could accurately tell what started The Fall.

The Fall was the official name for the night that ended ,and yet started it all. During that night, America fell. Not just America, but the whole world. It wasn't war, it wasn't an explosion of the sun, it wasn't a drop of gravity. No, the world ended because the dead started rising. Not literally from their graves, but the recently dead, those not yet buried, came back to life. Only they weren't really alive. They were still dead, and they moaned out for food, but it wasn't ordinary food they hunted for. These monsters craved human flesh. Many people brushed it off at first, believing it was just a select group of cannibals gone mad. Then they saw corpses biting into humans, and when they began turning into more ravenous corpses, the actual fear came creeping in just like the monsters did to the world

In the Fall, families and loved ones were separated. It was all such a panic for the first few hours that the dead quickly began to outnumber the living. But then people began to understand and believe in the fate they had been dealt. Everyone knew the basics about zombies from pop culture, so they learned to always aim for the head and to avoid getting bit. That's how people learned to live, stab first, ask questions later.

For the specific story I'm telling you today, the one story that really affects all of us, we are going to concentrate on one very important family.

This family-a mother, father, and two young boys- had been sitting in their living room, eating takeout food while watching the latest animated movie, when the dead began to rise in their town.

For them, it was a normal Friday evening, family night on top of that, but, in a matter of minutes, this family was ruined irreversibly.

A scream sounded frighteningly close, causing all four family members to jump. The oldest boy opened his mouth, preparing to ask the obvious question, but he was silenced with a sharp look from his father's hard eyes

As they heard neighboring screams, the father ran to the window, looking out into the consuming dark. The street light illuminated the surrounding area, giving horrific shadows to stumbling bodies attacking living, running ones. The father, not sure what to think of the scene, urged his family to their feet.

Of course he had seen the news telling tall tales of the infected people who were transforming into frighteningly determined cannibals, but he had assumed it was like every other sickness. Panic would sweep the nation, grannies and mothers would follow every little suggestion to help prevent it from spreading, only for the doctors to discover a cure or for the sickness itself to die out. The oldest White family member was not so easily scared, and he wasn't going to force his wife and children to evacuate their home and upturn their lives for a dramatized flu. He was an ex-Marine, and running away had been bred out of him early on in life, but as he heard the stomach turning, high-pitched sounds of children screaming for their lives', he was reminded that he wasn't only responsible for his life any more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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