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This has been slightly edited :)



On a bright sunny afternoon , a blonde girl was can be seen in a not so wide but beautiful garden on their house , while doing her homework on Physics in their garden , a white limousine parked at their gate , a pink haired guy then came out , much to her curiosity , she walks to their gates way .

"uhmm , how can i help you ?" she asked the guy politely but it just looked at her from head to toe .

"Is Jude here ?" the guy asked after a while

"yeah ? Why ? I'm Lucy by the way , daughter of Jude . What do you want with my father ? " Lucy asked the pinkette in front of her .

"i need to talk to him . Lead me to where he is ." he said more likely commanded .

"oh okay ? Then please come in" Lucy said as she open their gate widely to let the pinkette enter , she then guided the guy to their living room where her father is .

"Dad ! Someone's here , he's looking for you " Lucy then said that made his father look at her .

"who is it sweety ?" her father asked sweetly , then a pinkette came out to the blonde's back making the latter looked at him shocked .

"its me Jude" the pinkette said calmly .Her father then stands up , sweatdrops was visible on his face


"i'll leave you here , uhmm what do you want sir , a coffee or a juice ?" Lucy asked their visitor .

"a juice will do" the pinkette said .

She then went to their kitchen and prepare a juice to her father's visitor

When she's done preparing it , she came out of the kitchen and gave the juice to her father and to the pinkette but even Before she exited the room his father say something that made her heart skipped a beat

"Lucy ... You're going with him . You're going to be the payment on my debts to him ... "


Next Chapter => Me ?! As a Payment ?!

It has been slightly edited :)

©to Hiro Mashima .


Book One:I'm the Payment on my Dad's Debt (NaLu ~)Where stories live. Discover now