Friday september 8th 2017

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Dear Gal: its been so long since I've written to have you i have so much to catch you up on and so much to tell you about its crazy. To begin my fan account for you has been sky rocketing into success I mean massive success like it is such an incredible thing seeing how far I've come in such short time. I hope you are enjoying your time in isreal and I hope you get to see family and loved ones and old friends and I hope you make plently of new ones like who wouldn't want to be friends with you Gal you are beyond words like legendary and great I Cannot even begin to thjnk of such a way to desrcibe you other than my hero. I won't take up much paper tonight because I need to make sure my friends are okay with being talked about for now I love you Gal and see you soon 🐻
Your biggest fan Jake 🐻

Dear Gal Gadot Where stories live. Discover now