♥ being http-rabbit

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So! You did notice that "http-rabbit" is my username right?

Welp. Here are some facts;
- http-rabbit is very very silent but when she gets angry.. you'll have the consequences later >:3

- http-rabbit is a single potato weeb, who loves yaoi and memes so much.

- http-rabbit is bored, she doesn't know what to do. She had expectations. But the outcome of the reality is really bad. XD

- http-rabbit is off and on because of school. But she'll be on later on.

- http-rabbit is sleeping 24/7 (if it's summerbreak).

- http-rabbit is busy with her life.

- http-rabbit is childish and bubbly but she doesn't show it sometimes. >:3

- http-rabbit is too eager to be on, she just want to sleep (poor me).

- http-rabbit had some kind of sickness but she only recognized it today.

- http-rabbit is out.

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