Funfair ♡

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The next day we went to the Funfair. Me, Selina and Ray. Shaun also linked with us as he had nothing to do. We all paid for our tickets and bought 500 tokens each which was £20. But Ray and Shaun bought both mine and Selinas' tickets for us. What gentlemen!

As me and Selina joined arms we set off looking for a good ride. We then found a ride which was rated 'Mature'. We both wanted to see how scary it was. So we paid 20 tokens and climbed on the ride. As soon as I did my belt, I got an unread message.

It read:

Hey bbe, me and Shaun are going to the other side of the funfair so dont worry if we aint back.

And if you vomit then dont blame me :)

Love you lotss


I showed Selina the message and we both giggled. I then replied saying;

LOOL we are both fine and dont be too longg x

Lovee Ash.

The ride then began moving. I clung on to Selina as tight as I could.

"Oi, do you not realize that you are strangling the life out of my arms!" She said.

"Im scarreedddd" I wept.

I screamed as loud as my body could manage. Selina just stood thee smiling at me.

The ride was surely one scary rides. Demons popping out from the walls, vampire corpses jumping out of their coffins. Wooow they really did know how to scare people.

"Ashlee are you alright ?" Ray asked me with concern.

I ran to him and squeezed him as tight as I could.

"Babe are you alright ?" He said one more.

"That ride scared mee" I wept.

Ray laughed. I loved the way he laughed and it somehow cheered me up.

"Come on don't be a baby" He said still laughing.

We went on other rides and wasted all of our tokens on rides, candyfloss, takeaway and some wooly toys. Ray had got me a large bear that carried in the heart in the middle that read:


My heart cringed and I suddenly realised that maybe I had made the right decision to spend my life with Ray.

On our way home, Shaun and Selina decided to sleep over at Rays'. I called my mum to tell her so she didn't worry why I wasn't home. I rang her 5 times but she didn't answer. I left her a text:

Heyy Mum,

I'm sleeping over at Rays with Shaun and Selina, Ill come back tomoz so don't be worried.

Bye Muum


As we entered Rays house she all jumped onto the couch. Me and Selina snuggled into our partners and opened a pack of Maltesers as we watched Final Destination 5.

I fell asleep on Rays arm and when the film was finished he carried me to his bed.

I woke up and kissed him goodnight.

"Babe, why don't we try for a baby?" He said.

I was in shock. I was  18 and I had been asked if I wanted a baby.

"..But im 18" I told him.

"But I want to start a family now" He said in his voice that always hynotized me.

Inside I wanted to go home, but Ray wouldn't be happy.

"Alrite babe lets try" I said pretending to mean it.

And that was when we had the night that changed my life.

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