Jesus hecking christ
That was pretty much the only thing going through ttobas head as they were standing outside the mess hall of the tucked away camp of Camp Campbell.
"I can't believe I just fuckin did that"
they said keeping their voice low and hands shaking with post interview nervous-citement as they scrambled to grab their phone out of one of their jacket pockets to spread the news.
ttobeeb: jhc sab- you won't believe how it went
Sab: spill the deets binch!!
Ttoba laughed at the use of their frequently used "non-insult"
They launched into a play-by-play of how the counselor interview went
In The Past
"Why hello theeeree...ttoba! Yes." said the ginger scanning the given resume paper.
"Yea, that's me..um, you're David-you kinda run the place around here?"
Ttoba delivered the last line with a fiehn gesture and awkward smile...interviews are never comfortable. Thankfully, the tall camp counselor was not the type to let a single soul feel out of place or unwelcome in Cameron Campbell's Camp Campbell Summer Camp.
"Oh, well I wouldn't say that. I and my fellow camp counselor Gwen work together to make sure every camp camper has the greatest camp experience ever!" The ginger delivered with enthusiasm
Ttoba smiled at the cheery attitude of the counselor. :3
"So um... how does this work?" Ttoba asked
"Oh, ha! That's easy, I'll just ask a few standard questions to make sure you meet the requirements and will be a good fit for our camp-although Camp Campbell is not a place to judge or discriminate" He explained
Ttoba relaxed as the atmosphere of the mess hall calmed down with the chirpy nature of the camp counselor.
"So first question... do you have any history with cultist activity?" he asked as if he was asking you for the time
"I-uh-jeezus what?"
"Okay, I know that sounds bad but we've had some... troubled history here at camp Campbell. Nothing to be alarmed of!"
The only thing going through ttobas head was what the hell did Sabby get me into?
In The Present
Sab: sooo- the interview went well?
Ttobeeb: it went awesome- I got hired on the freaking spot!
Sab: BIIIINCH that's great! You're gonna love it here, that little shit max isn't gonna know what hit em
Ttoba giggled they've heard many stories about "that little dick max at summer camp" any they couldn't wait to meet him and the rest of the odd crew with a whole summer of adventures ahead of them.
Hayran KurguA whole pile of self-insert stories for both Ttoba and Justcallmesabby on Tumblr. Will update semi frequently. Enjoy!