Chapter 3: Jealousy

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful: chiffon_cake )

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


It's been a week since we started going out, everything  is going so well I can't help but be paranoid. Is it bad to think something might happen since I am way too happy? I shake the thought off my head.

'Think positive' I thought to myself.

I woke up too early, I am hungry and too lazy to cook. Should I ask him to eat breakfast with me before going to school? I look at my phone, that idiot still sleeping?

'No! Not making the first move' I debated.


Goes my phone,as it lit up I could see the sender's name. A smile evident on my face as I opened the message.

MING: Good morning P'Kitkat! I hope you had a good night's sleep.
KIT: Yeah, it was okay.
MING: I hope you dreamt of me 😘😘
KIT: You want me to have a nightmare? 😑😐
MING: That's so mean P'  😣😢
KIT: I am kidding. What do you need?
MING: Aw. Can't I just message my boyfriend?I miss you a lot. Oh yeah, I'm picking you up in 10 mins. There's this new place that opened up, I want to eat breakfast with you.

I blushed. Is this guy a psychic or something? I am so happy he asked me to breakfast.

KIT: Okay, your treat of course. I won't be holding back coz I'm hungry
MING: Of course P', didn't I say that I can afford to keep you? I'm gonna get ready now. See you in a bit! 😘😍

I smile once more, I guess I have breakfast date with him. I stood up and started to get dressed.It kinda feels nice having someone who always wants to be with you all the time.

<Fast forward after 10 minutes>

I went down, he texted me that he was waiting for me in to parking lot. I checked myself from the reflection inside the elevator, trying to make sure that I look presentable.

As the elevator reached the lobby,the doors opened. The first thing I saw was Beam in a far away corner with... Forth? They both seemed to be arguing, then suddenly Forth grabs Beam and kisses him. My eyes widen at the scene.

'What the hell am I seeing?this is real right?' I thought.

No way in hell that Beam, the player in our group can be attracted to men most especially Forth. My phone rang, it was Ming. I got out of the elevator, it was enough for Beam to notice,look my way. His face was mostly shocked,  I awkwardly smiled and tried to rush  out the building. I slid into Ming's car and motioned for him to drive away quickly.

"P', why did it seem like someone was chasing you?Are you okay?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"You and Forth are in the same faculty right? Is he going out with someone right now?" I asked him.

He suddenly stops the car and looks at me. His eyebrows are raised and looked a little pissed.

"Why? Don't tell me you're interested in P'Forth?I won't allow it" he replied.

"MingKwan, are you an idiot? Why would I be interested in him when I have you. Don't tell me all that self-confidence is gone" I teased.

He held my hand and traced his fingers with mine. My heart is beating faster and faster.

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