would u be my Girlfriend!?

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Jimin pov:
I Was holding Y/N hand ,i felt her fingers moving ,omg shes waking up o called the other members "guys come here y/n is waking up

She opened her eyes slowly,

Y/n ur awake? can u hear me 'i said

where am i? she said

u dont remember anything ?jin said

I only remember that i was kidnapped by a gang and me and V were, hold on where is V??

Calm down ,he still in coma' i said

Oh gosh i thought something bad happened to him' she said

she told us everything from the beginning till the end ,i was staring at her the whole time ,gosh why she so cute?? is she a human or angel?
i spend the whole day with y/n i missed her smile tho, everytime smiles i feel like i wanna kiss her  hella bad.

Jimin?" she called me

what is it princess?

"she blushed a lil* where is jk?

i was kinda mad when she asked me ,why shes not over him yet??? idk before u wake up he said hes gonna go the bathroom but didnt come back

''oh i see'

"Can i ask u?

What ?

by any chance do u still have feelings for jk?

She looked down for a moment and i could in her eyes that she wanted to cry

nope, i dont have anyfeelings for him 'she said with a sad smile on her face

Really!! so ur moving on?

Yes! ughh jimin im so sleepy can we go to sleep?

Yea yea ,u should'"

But jimin where u gonna sleep?

on this chair ,dont worry now go to sleep''

Nono ur not ,since u took care of me while im in coma and stayed by side then come sleep next to me"

WHAT?? but--- she cut me off

Im skinny u know and this bed its big comeon

Oo-ok" i said while smiling then laid down next to her

She gave me a kiss on my cheek' thank u for taking care of me, then she fell asleep

Woah jimin she just kissed u,i was so happy ,i kissed her forhead and fell asleep slowly

*10am* i opened my eyes and saw the other members staring at us i looked at y/n she was sleeping while hugging me ,why soo cutee??
i was gonna get up but jin stoped me saying "" yaa u gonna wake her up,just stay ,btw u guys look so cute

I blused a lil 'yaa jin stop'
jungkook pov:
i went to the hospital, but i really didnt wanna see y/n but idk how can i face her?? after what i did to her? ik shes not gonna forgive me but i still love her ,im sure this stupid jimin is with her rn AISH i wont let him take her
I opened the door,i saw them all laughing ,they didnt notice me yet,but something caught my attention' yaaa this punk, jimin is laying right next to y/n while laughing, the anger was killing me

Hummmm ' hey guys 'i said

oo hey jungkook' jhope said

I looked at y/n but quickly moved my eyes ,i couldnt face her ,after what i did i cant, she was looking at me for a moment, then said "" hey kookie its been along time "

kookie??? what she trying to play with me or what?? a-ah yeah so, ho-ow are u? 'i said nervously

She gave me a small smile'' well what do u think?

this girl after what happened to her she still smiling??? why when she acts like that it hurts me? i didnt response

Jimin get out the bed' so princess what do u wanna eat for lunch?

princess?? this bastard

""i want kimchi and ramen "she said while smiling

Why are they acting like a couples? i hate seeing her flirt with others especially jimin

''ok princess" he said and went to the store and the other went after him,now its just me and y/n
It was soo silent and awkward ,i tried to talk to her but everytime i remember what i did to her ,i cant facr her
Jungkook""? she called

I looked at her ''huh? what is it?

How is noor? she said while looking V his bed is right next to hers but hes still im coma

shes fine" whats wrong with her? why shes acting like that?

i feel bad for V but i hope he gives up on her when he wake up from his coma'' she said

Why r u saying that didnt u tried to get them together again? i asked her with a confused face

yes but didnt u tell me that ur not gonna let me hurt her,shes in so much  pain ,and u told me to stay away from her?

I frozed i didnt know what to say 'im im sorry ,i still dk why i did this

why arnt u saying anything ?? she said

huh? nothing, its just i wanna say that can u forg--- she cut me off

Hope u and noor start dating soon ur the perfect guy for her 'she said with a smile on her face

but i still--- she cut me off again

I will make sure V will get over her soon dont worry'

I hate it when she acts like that it hurts me alot

i still love --- then the other members came in dang it why rn ???

jimin went and sit next to y/n I Hate seeing them together

Say ahhhh ' i was sitting there right infront of them seeing jimin fucking feeding her, the anger is killing mee
Jimin pov:
I Could see the anger in jungkooks face,but idc,i could see that y/n didnt care too she didnt even looked at him,I hope shes over him

We finished eating lunch and it was so quite i hold y/n hand and told her

        "y/n will u be my girlfriend"

I heard a glass of water fell down.....
To be continue
sorry for taking so long its just kind busy , i wanna ask u guys do u want the girl to end up with jimin or jk??

Tell me in the comments💗
Also check my new story BULLIEd it will mean alot to me
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