Part 4

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A light pressure pressing against Serena's cheek had pulled her out of her unconsciousness.

She tried to open her eyes but they refused her command.

She tried to move but her body wouldn't listen to her. She'd just fall back asleep until she felt that pressure again.

This time it was a little harder, it really dug into her cheek.

She finally managed to force open her eyes. Her mind was still groggily, but she snapped right out of it when she realised a boy was leaning over her. He retracted his hand away from her cheek and stared at her.

She shoved him off.

"What are you doing?!" Serena screeched.

"What? I wasn't doing anything to you. I was just checking to see if you're still alive." Yuri answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine, whatever! Just, don't ever do it again!" she demanded.

"Why, are you embarrassed?" he asked, placing a finger to his chin.

"No!" Serena crossed her arms, "I just like my personal bubble!"


"Yeah, it's about this big," She held her arms out and encircled them. Her hand brushed up against Yuri's shoulder. "so scoot over." she waved her hands in a shooing motion.

He over exaggerated a sigh and shuffled away. He swung his legs over the ledge, to which she realised they were on.

"Wait, where are we?"

"You mean you don't recognise your own birth place? We're in the fusion dimension, to be more specific, Academia."

They were on the main school building, overlooking the courtyard. Students crowded around an ongoing duel between an Obelisk blue and a Slifer red.

Instead of pointing and laughing at the pupil in red when they fell to the ground, the student in blue approached them. The Obelisk did something unexpected; they reached their hand out to the Slifer.

With a small smile they accepted it. The Obelisk didn't let go of their hand and let them fall down like Serena had seen others do. They had pulled them onto their feet and gave words of encouragement to them.

The female counterpart looked over to see how Yuri would react. His face was expressionless and he went unusually quiet. He didn't let his eyes leave the scene before him. She wondered what went through his head at that moment.

The thought disperse when she thought of a different question that bothered her.

"Wait, how did we get back here? Weren't we somewhere else? I can't remember." Serena asked, trying to recall the events.

"I can't answer that, simply because it's a mystery to even me." he placed a finger on his chin. "Let's see...I defeated Fusion, was that his name? And then I went against a tomato... " he gasped, "I lost a duel!"

"What? Really?" she asked.

"B-but I never lose!" he exclaimed.

"Guess you're not as good as you think are."

The shocked expression on his face disappeared.

"Meh, who cares," he shrugged. "I can still beat you any day of the week."

"Oh! Is that so?" the girl crossed her arms across her chest. "Care to prove it?"

"No, I don't need to waste my time for a duel I already know the outcome to."

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