Chapter 5

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I was able to go to Hassa this year thanks to Killi.

Granted, my father did threw a hussy fit over it, he said I was an attention whore for wanting to go on this trip.

Somehow, I didn't said anything back, like always. Maybe I just didn't have the courage to stand up to him, or maybe a part of me still foolishly trying to believe that he still had a shred of love for me.

"Nein, are all your trunks ready?" Killi asked suddenly, shocking me. I turned around, shoving him playfully, but placing my arm around his waist before he could fall.

"And you called yourself a soldier? You can't even stand something like this" I mocked. Killi rolled his eyes, shoving me away, his face getting even more redder than his hair.

"That's the thank you I got for bringing you along? What a friend you are, Nein" he said. I chuckled, putting the last trunk on the carriage, before tying them all so they wouldn't fell out on the way to Hassa.

"Thank you" I said sincerely. If he's not kind enough to bring me here, I would have to suffer an entire four weeks without Theondre, and I might lose my sanity without him.

Besides, I never travelled that far before. I always wished to see Hassa, a place where all the previous royal families members were buried, where  there's eight big temples for each eight big gods, and smaller temples or shrines for the smaller gods.

There's no inhabitants in Hassa except priests and priestess, a very calm place in the middle of a desert.

"Killi,I hope you wouldn't mind if I borrow Nein for a while...?" A voice, that I recognise too well asked from behind us.

We turned around, bowing at our King. "Of course not, my lord. Please excuse me" Killi said before throwing me a look that I didn't understand. Why did he smirk?

I stared at Theondre, unblinking. This is the first time I saw him in travelling clothes, and he looked really fine. The cape was purple, of course, the color of royalty. The rest of the clothing were made of the color red with golden threads, a symbol of a golden lion in the right ribs.

I tried to smile under his intense gaze. Why did he acted like this? He looked a little... Angry.

"Did I anger you, my lord?" I asked, trying to sound steady.

He just stayed quiet, walking closer to me until our faces were only inches away, and I have this strange urge to just leaned closer and kiss those full lips.

His gold eyes searching my face for a while, and for two minutes, I feel awkward and guilty because he really did looked disappointed.

"I'm sorry" I managed, breaking the silence, even though I didn't know what I was sorry for.

His gaze softened, and he put a hand on my cheek, leaning until our foreheads touched each others.

"Ride beside me, you can ask Killi too" he ordered. "So you're not angry?" I asked, Theondre smiled, "I was being unreasonable. It's me who have to apologize. Would you forgive me?" He asked. I didn't understand why he's angry before, but I decided not to pushed it.

"Forgiven" I said, "I'm just glad you're not mad at me"

He chuckled, "oh, I'm always mad when I'm around you... Taranessu" he said,  before turning around, leaving me blushing, not just because of the heat, but because of his words.

I swallowed, turning to fetch my horse. I named him Dard,meaning fast. He was a fast, black furred horse, that I got as a birthday present from Theondre three years ago. He was just three months old the first time I met him.

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