What a jerk

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Disclaimer: I don't own the amazing Gallagher girl series by Ally Carter.

                              Abby's POV
I drive to Grace's apartment so we can go to dinner together tonight, for a girl's night out. When I get to her temporary apartment while she's on a mission in America, I knock on her door and a second later a very cheery Grace is in front of me.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"You bet!" I say. We leave the house and head to the restaurant. Once we get there the person sits us down and tells us our server will be right out. Across from us I see a familiar face. I squint to see if it's him, it is. "No," I whisper, but Grace obviously hears me.

She looks in the direction I'm looking in. "Is that who I think it is? The uptight Edward Townsend on a date?"

I nod, not wanting to think about it. I guess my feelings for him aren't mutual. I feel a single tear slide down my cheek. Grace sees it and gets up to talk to him, I get up to try to stop her. He chokes a little on his water when he sees me.

                         Edward's POV
"Abigail," I whisper. I look at my date, Stacey. Joe Solomon set us up on a date because he thought I was lonely, I haven't told him my feelings for Abigail. I never wanted to hurt Abby, but her seeing us caused her to start to cry. I see a few tears slipping down her face and all I want to do is wipe them away. It takes all the self control I have not to do just that.

"Enjoy your date," she spits at me as she walks away. I want to stop her, but I think better of it. She's pissed, pissed at me. I feel my heart breaking.

                            Abby's POV
My heart breaks seeing those two together. I run home, not stopping my sprint even when I'm completely out of breath from running and crying simultaneously. Once I reach my room at Gallagher, I close the door and let the sobs come harder. About 20 minutes later I hear someone walking up to the door and open it. Rachel. She looks at me with concern in her eyes as she pulls me up and into a hug. I rest my head on her shoulder and continue to cry while she rubs my back and says soothing things to me, just like we did when I was little and I was sad. She holds me tightly to let me know that she's always here for me. I don't deserve this; I'm the reason she doesn't have a husband and Squirt doesn't have a father. I calm my sobs and I begin to hiccup from lack of oxygen for so long. Rachel sits me down on the couch and starts drying my tears.

"Thank you Rachel, you're the best sister a girl could ask for," I hiccup.

"Thank you. Now, you ready to tell me what's wrong?"

"Edward was on a date with another woman," I bite my lip to keep from crying again. She's the only person I've told my feelings about Edward to.

"I'm so sorry, Abby. I thought he really liked you. Hey, do you want to come eat Sunday night dinner with Cammie and I?" She asks

"I can't have Squirt see me like this, she'll be too worried."

"Then let's get you cleaned up," she walks me to the bathroom and helps me wash my tears off my face. We head out of the room and into her office. I turn on music and wait for Cammie, all while trying not to think of him. I hear Cammie walk in and I grab her hands and start to dance with her. I can barely do it without crying, thinking of the first time Edward and I kissed, the night I realized I love him. I tell her I have an antidote to 99% of food borne illnesses to hear her laugh because her laugh always cheers me up. We stop dancing and eat dinner.

After dinner I start walking down the hallways and see Joe. "Solomon!" I yell at him. He walks over to me and as he opens his mouth to say something, I quickly fit our lips together. He's not as good of a kisser as Edward, though. Then all of a sudden, I see the doors open to the Grand Hall and Townsend walks in. I make sure he sees us, then I walk away when I have a satisfactory victory of him looking broken at seeing us.

                           Edward's POV
I walk in the doors of the Grand Hall and immediately see Abby kissing Joe Solomon. I can hear my heart break even more and my face falls. She gives a smug smirk and walks away. God I love her so much, snarkiness and all. I walk up to Joe and punch him out of anger. "Is that why you set me up with Stacey? So Abby would see us and would come crawling to you so you could have a make out session in the Grand Hall," I angrily say through gritted teeth.

"Edward, I swear I never knew you liked her. And that's not why I set you up; you seemed so lonely and I wanted you to be happy," he says. I punch him again, harder this time.

"I can take care of my own happiness thank you very much," I say and walk off. I don't know where I'm walking to until I see her room. I love her so much and I hate to see her so broken. I knock on the door knowing full well she's not going to open it. I sit down against it.

                          Abby's POV
I'm sitting against the door when I hear someone knock on it, and I know exactly who it is right away. I hear him sit down against it on the other side. "Go away!" I shout angrily at him.

"Abby, please, love, let me explain what happened."

I stand up and open the door, making him fall. I have to suppress my laughs. "Why would I let you explain, when you expect me to just come crawling back to you? You shattered my heart, Townsend. I really liked- you know what, it doesn't matter anymore, just get out of my sight, I never want to see you again," by the time I finish my sentence, he's standing up and looks like I just stabbed him in the heart. Maybe I did, I don't know, but I just crushed my own heart. I feel wetness on my cheeks as I realize I started crying again. He moves his hand to my cheek and starts gently rubbing his thumb against it and wiping away my tears. I let him, craving his gentle and sweet touch. I love him so much, and whenever he touches me, it's hard to stay angry at him.

"I never expected any of that, Abby. I know you're not that kind of person," he whispers. He kisses my forehead and quietly whispers an apology. I watch him walk away, my tears starting to come more quickly and blurring my vision. I slam the door and curl up on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

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