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<Opposites Attract>


n astrology each sign is paired with another sign directly opposite of it. Opposite signs of each other have the qualities they other one lacks.

Aries 🆚 Libra

Aries is a very impulsive sign,they leap before they look and they very rarely stop to think if their actions could heart somebody else. Opposite of them are Libra's who overthink all situations. They are extremely indecisive, particularly due to their desire to make everybody happy in the end results.

Taurus 🆚 Scorpio

Taurus are very straight forward signs. They aren't known to get crazy emotional. They look for comfort and stability in their relationships. Opposite of them are Scorpio's. Scorpios are deceptive as hell, they never let on what their true intentions are. They also have extremely intense emotions that they are not afraid to show to others.

Gemini 🆚 Sagittarius

Gemini's are all about their social image. They want to connect with everybody they meet and they want people to like them back. Opposite to them are Sagittarius who are more independent and focused on themselves. They would connect with nature than with their friends.

Cancer 🆚 Capricorn

Cancers are hopeless romantics, full of love and affection for others. Whether they like to or not, they let their emotions run wild. Opposite to them are Capricorns who are realists. They tend to suppress their emotions and focus work/goals instead of love.

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