Taco Bell is the bomb

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Nash's P.O.V

It is currently 9:00 Pm and the boys and I are still telling Emilia that she is violent. She on the other hand is saying she's not.

"Can we go get food I'm hungry" Taylor said.

" There's Taco Bell across the street from the hotel" Jack G told us.

Emilia and Jc exchanged a look.

"Taco Bell" Emilia and Jc ran out of the room screaming.

"I guess we are having Taco Bell" Carter broke the silence. We all nodded and walked outside closing the hotel room's door behind us.

Jc's P.O.V

Emilia and I are sitting in a booth at Taco Bell, waiting for the guys.

"Emilia I'm telling you this now. I consider you a little sister" I told Emilia who is sitting across from me.

"Aww Justin! I consider you a big brother" Emilia got up from her seat and hugged me. Of course I hugged her back.

She went back to her seat. We talked about how our sisters are the same age and how they like to do the same things.

"Is your sister coming to Orlando too. I know Shawn's is" Emilia asked me.

I nodded and smiled. " So we are going to have three 11 year old girls with us in Orlando" I said.

Emilia's P.O.V

I heard the bell jingle signalling there's a new customer. I look back and saw it was the boys.

"Finally. We were gonna get our food and eat all by ourselves" I told the boys.

"How did you get here so fast?" Nash asked making his blue eyes really big because they were slower than us.

"We ran" Justin said simply.

"Anyway let's order"  Matt said.

We all nodded and ordered for our food.

We all got money out to pay evenly. I took out my wallet and took out money.

Matt looked at me like I just killed someone.

"What" I said slightly annoyed.

"You don't pay for yourself. I pay for you it's in the boyfriend rule book" Matt said like it was obvious.

"No I am capable for paying for my food" I said.

But I was to late Matthew already payed for my food. I groaned really loud because I wanted to pay for my own food.

We all got our food and sat down.

"So Emilia I see you don't know what the boyfriend handbook is" Carter said.

I nodded like is it even real. It sounds stupid.

"Well your gonna learn today. All about the handbook." Jack G paused.

"Since I have Leigh (Lee-uhh) I know about this and the boys know from past experience well all the boys except Shawn"  Jack G finished

" I will have you know I actually have a girlfriend. Her name is Amber" Shawn said.

All the boys looked at him wide eyed and their mouths hanging open bit it was ok because they swallowed their food.

"I don't care about the boyfriend handbook. I care that Shawn has a freaking girlfriend. Way to go Shawn" I high fived my Canadian friend.

Shawn smiled looking proud. All the boys were still surprised that 15 year old Shawn had a girlfriend. I mean it's not surprising. Shawn's adorable.

Not that I like Shawn. I have Matt.

"Well her name is Amber and she is in my History class. She was my partner for a project and yea" Shawn started to Explain his story of love.

Matt grabbed my hand while Shawn described his relationship with Amber.

Author's note

Ok so there's things I have to say.

1.Amber you know who you are. I need you to kik me you description.

2. Sorry if this sucks

3. Sorry for the wait.

4. I may be starting a O2L fan fiction that has a couple of Magcon Boys.

5. Thank you for reading

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