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Dawon and I have been to the cinema together and we're now sat on a park watching the sunset. His face reflects lightly the golden color of the sky. The day was pretty good but he seemed anxious and uncomfortable during the entire time.
- Are you ok? You seem worried about something.
He looks at me with a surprised face, like he didn't know I could see his nervousness. He plays with his fingers and keep his head low, making his glasses slide down to the point of his nose. I've never seen him like this. He's bright, funny and he's always lifting up the mood, making things better. I feel worried about him. We've been friends for nearly a decade now and it saddens me to see him like this.
- Dawonnie, what's wrong?
He sighs heavily, trying to calm down. He dries his hands on his jeans nervously.
- I need to tell you something.
- Ok, you know you can tell me everything.
- It's not that simple... I thought a lot about this and if I should tell you or not but... I've been feeling like this for a really long time and I don't think I can't hide it anymore. I need your answer to know what to do with my life. I need to know if I have a chance or if I just need to move on.
- What do you mean? Just say it.
He sighs one more time and closes his eyes for a few seconds before turning to face me.
- Youngbin, we've known each other for a really long time and I hope that we'll always remain friends no matter what happens... But I also would like to be more than just a friend. I... I like you. And I don't mean just as a friend. When I say that I like you I mean I wish you could be my boyfriend. So, I was wandering if you could possibly like me back?
He looks at me waiting for an answer. I don't know what to say. He's obviously nervous.I wasn't expecting this. I never knew. Did he give me any signs? Was I that blind? Before the silence between us gets too awkward I whisper a question:
- Are you serious?
He nods his head with a sad expression.
- I don't know what to tell you, Dawon. You're my best friend...
He looks down and holds his knees strongly with his hands. I think they're shaking. Hands and knees.
- You don't like me that way, do you?
- No... I'm sorry...
- It's ok, it really is. I just needed to tell you so I could move on. I'll be ok. Just forget about it.
- We'll still be friends, right?
He suddenly smiles and looks back at me, I realize he has tears on his eyes.
- Of course. We'll always be friends. I'm happy you still wanna be my friend.
- I'm not leaving you that easily. You're my best friend.
He smiles lightly and looks away into the few stars that are starting to light up on the sky. I can tell he's swallowing his tears. I feel sorry for him, but hopefully we'll be ok. We're best friends after all.

(A/n: hey there! Pls remember to leave a comment, a like and share the story with your fellow fantasies! I hope you'll enjoy the story, I'm happy to finally share it with you! Bye~ )

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