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We played video games on his room during the entire day. We laughed every time one of us died or did something stupid. So, we laughed a lot. We eventually plopped on the bed, exhausted. I lay my head on his stomach.
- I think that was a tight - he says.
- Yeah, but I only died because I was stupid, you didn't have anything to do with it.
- Well, does that makes you feel better, Bin? Because I'm kind of fine with not being stupid and dying by myself.
- Oh, shut up! - I say while playfully pushing him. He laughs at me and I snuggle closer to him, putting my left arm around his waist. I can feel his gaze fixed on me but I pretend I didn't notice. Slowly, I can feel his arm moving until he places his hand on my hair and starts playing with it. I close my eyes and appreciate the feeling... Until I hear his stomach roar. I get up and look at him with a confused face.
- Dawon, did you swallow a fucking lion?
He laughs loudly, making me smile.
- I'm just hungry.
- Should we order something, then?
- Yesss!!
- Pizza?
- Pizza!!!
- The usual?
- Yep!
- Ok, I'm gonna order it.
We get up, I search for my phone while Dawon goes to the kitchen. I order a large pizza and a soda before I search for my friend. He's at the sofa watching some random tv show. I approach him from behind and jump on the sofa, beating my head on his shoulder on the way down and landing on his thigh. Classy. I hide my face in pain while Dawon dies out of laughter. After minutes of me being embarrassed and he having some sort of laughter attack I hear a knock on the door. I run to get our pizza, I yell at Dawon to come help me, he runs on my direction and holds it while I take my wallet out of my pocket, paying the delivery guy. We thank him and walk to the living room, where Dawon left the plates and cups in place. We eat silently, enjoying the pizza and the tv show. After we eat pretty much everything by ourselves, I wash the dishes while he takes the trash out. When he comes back I ask:
- Hey, wanna watch a movie?
- Sure, what movie?
- I wanted to watch this one, can we watch this one?
- Oh, c'mon! Another comedy movie?
- Pleasee! I really wanna watch it!
- Aaaaargh, shut up and put the damn movie on.
- YAY! Thanks!
He smiles at me and seats on the sofa. I put the movie on and sit by his side.
I lay my head on his shoulders and we watch the movie like that. Well, I watched it. He somehow managed to sleep on half way through it. The movie wasn't that great anyway. His mom got home sometime during the movie, but I'm pretty sure she assumed we were both asleep because she didn't say anything and quietly walked to her bedroom. When the movie is over, my neck is hurting like hell because he slept with his head on mine and I couldn't move. I slowly take my head out of his shoulders and his head drops, making him wake up looking confused. I laugh a little because of his dumbfounded expression.
- If you want to sleep we can go to bed.
He nods weakly. I hold his hand and pull him off the sofa. He can barely keep his eyes open, it's really cute. I guide him slowly to his bedroom, placing him on the bed when we reach it.
- Dawon, don't you wanna change?
He makes some weird noises that I take as a no.
- You are such a baby.
I whisper, but I'm not sure if he hears me. I put a blanket over him and take my clothes off, putting my pjs on. I lay by his side on the bed, looking at his sleeping face. I just want to hug him. Hold him. Touch him, with no intentions behind it. I just want to feel his skin against mine. He has his left arm under his head, the other one on his stomach. Ah, fuck it. He's not even gonna notice. I lay my head on his shoulder and put my arm around his skinny waist. I can feel his warm body against mine.
- W-what are you doing?!
- Cuddling.
- But...
- Just go to sleep...
He sighs and rolls over, placing his head on my chest and putting his arm around me. I feel a knot on my stomach. I put my face on his hair so I can smell it while I try to sleep. Surprisingly, I fall asleep very quickly.

(A/n: pls remember to like and comment, it keeps me motivated. Byee~ :3)

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