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JB's pov

Y/n started taking off her sweatshirt. She was shaking for some odd reason, but when the swearshirt was all the way off I froze. I heard the others gasp, and y/n sigh. She stared at me striaght in the eyes. I didn't know what to do, but before I knew it, anger took over me and I walked out the store. The others called out for be but I kept walking, knocking over a few display signs in the process. Then I started running, I ran out the mall, anger clouding my head. Who would do this to her! Was the only thing I thought over and over again...

Your pov

I sighed and put on the sweatshirt that JB had just bought for me as the boys called out for him. I felt tears prick at my eyes. All I wanted was to hide myself away. "So you always wear the same sweatshirt to cover up all those cuts and bruses." Yugyeom said in a sad hushed tone. All I did was nod, as I tried to hold back the tears. Then I felt Yugyeom wrap his arms around me pulling me into a hug. I couldn't help but let the pain out and cry.

I cried and cried in Yugyeoms arms. After a few minutes we broke the hug. Yugyeom using the sleeve of his sweater to wipe my face made me blush a little. The rest of boys came back to where they left us. "Jaebums not answering his phone." "Jaebum? Is that his real name?" I asked. "Yea, but he doesn't like when people call him that very much." Jackson said, and I nodded.

"So y/n, if you don't mind us asking-" Youngjae started to say, but was cut off by Jinyoung "What exactly happened to you?" I sighed before looking up at them. "C-can I tell you another time?" I asked, tears threatening to spill again. Yugyeom rubbed my back, in attempt to ease my nerves a little. They all agreed to let me calm down and wait until I was ready to talk.

"Lets get some ice cream to cheer up the mood a little bit, yea?" Mark said sweetly taking my hand in his and placing his left hand under my chin to lift my head up, forcing me to look at him. He had a beautiful soft smile formed on his lips, causeing me to blush and agree to his offer. Mark held my hand as we all began to walk to get some ice cream. I saw two displeased faces from Yugyeom and Jackson and didn't understand why. So I brushed it off and continued walking.

JBs pov

After running for what felt like only second, I ended up deep in the woods, alone. I didn't know what to do so I screamed. Birds flew from the trees as I had startled them. I ran my hand through my hair and paced back and forth unsure of what to do now. I sat down on a fallen over tree and checked my phone. "5 missed calls and 20 messages." I chuckled to myself and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I just sat there, in silence.

~ time skip ~

The sun started to set. I sighed, got up from the tree and started walking back out of the woods. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I just walked in the general direction from which I came from. Kicking a few stones as I walked, listening to the sounds of leaves crunching beneath my feet. I felt relaxed. I decided to pull out my phone and text the boys that I was fine and just needed time to think. They all understood and said they'd see me tomorrow at school. I looked up from my phone and saw that I made it out of the woods with sun light to spare. I got home and slumped down on my bed and within seconds I was asleep.

Your pov

I told the boys I wanted to wait for Jaebum before telling them about my cuts a bruses, they understood. After eating our ice cream, the boys decided to take me home. I really appreciate them, but honestly, I was scared to go home. Even tho they saw my bad side, I still had fun with them, which is alot to say.

Once we reached my house, they all gave me hugs one by one Yugyeom being the last and longest. "I'll always be here for you if you need to talk okay. You're a really special girl and you deserve better than whatever you have going on right now. Just call or text me anytime." He whispered to me before breaking the hug and handing me his number. "Uh, I... Thank you." I gave him a smile, trying not to cry again.

We said our goodbyes and I was left alone infront of my house. I gulped and snuck inside hopeing my mom wasn't home... she was.

An: i got two povs up in dis bitch hehe. Sorry, im weird

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