The Box

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It was a normal day in the village of Guy and Mat. People went to work, the children went to their schools and a few couples were enjoying their free time. For once... everyone was at peace..

*With Guy*

Guy was sleeping on the couch, even though it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he was tired.. So he made a little schedule for the day:
1. Sleep
2. Eat some pizza
3. Sleep
4. Eat some more pizza
5. Sleep
6. Eat the 3 chocolate cakes in the fridge
7. Sleep
8. Eat some more pizza around 23:00

While Guy was sleeping, the mailman delivered a weird looking box. He put it in a little hole in the wall and walked away. The box slid through a pipe into Guy's mailbox, but because the mailbox was already full, it fell all the way to the couch Guy was sleeping on..


'What the.. Ouch!' Guy screamed. 'What was that?!'. He searched for the object or person that could have woken him up..

Guy: 'Wait a minute.. Person?! Oh no! It could be an intruder!'
Guy jumped behind the couch and waited, until he found out he was sitting on top of something..
Guy: 'What the... AAAAH!'
He jumped of the object and jumped on top of the couch..

Guy: 'WHAT IS THA... Really... Are you kidding me?! It's a box?! A random ordinary box?! Well.. I think it's ordina..'


'AAAH! IT'S FAR FROM ORDINARY! IT COULD BE A BOMB!' Guy screamed, while he ran towards the door. Or should I say: He ran into the door...

'OUCH?! WHY AREN'T YOU OPENING?! Oh... you're locked.. Of course, now.. Where's the.. key.. Really... REALLY?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!'


Guy: 'Be quiet! I just.. Why is the key outside?!'

I... YOU!

'Wha? Wait a minute... DO YOU WANT TO KILL ME BECAUSE YOU HATE ME?!?' Guy screamed. He tried to kick the box, but the only thing he felt was pain in his right foot..
Guy: 'Ouch! How are you so strong?!'

Guy gave up kicking the box, but he didn't give up with his new mission:

'Get that box out of my house by destroying it... or, if possible, move it..'

'There...' Guy said, after he finished writing the sentence on a piece of paper, which he called: 'The Mission List'. 'Finally.. I can do something today.. Let's get this box out of here!'
Guy went to his 'secret underground basement' and grabbed his chainsaw.

'Let's see who'll win this battle shall we?!' Guy said to the box..


Guy: 'Aw, shush you stupid box! It won't hurt.. At least I think so... Well, here we go then..'

Guy tried to cut the box in half, only to end up with a broken chainsaw..

Guy: 'This chainsaw costs more than $1000!! AND YOU DESTROYED IT?! Well, it was technically me who destroyed it, but.. YOU!! Grr..'

Guy tried everything to get rid of the box, but he couldn't destroy it.. So... what do you do?

Guy: 'I'll call the police!'
Guy tried to call the police, only to get this automatic response:
'You have lost connection.. you have lost connection... you have..'

Guy: '...'

After a few minutes of punching the phone, Guy tried to call the police again.. Only to be laughed at..

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