A Lover's Fate- Chapter 1

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Dan stumbles through the hotel room door, sweat dripping from his face, and inhales as much air as he possibly can. Performing live always gives him such an amazing adrenaline rush. Hearing the crowd scream, singing along to the songs that him, Arin and Brian put so much work into, was an amazing feeling that he could never describe. The tiredness always seems to hit him when it's over though. He could really go for a lie down right now.

Dan strips off his sticky Sexbang suit and throws it into the corner of the room, where it lands in a crumpled mess. He fumbles around trying to untie the laces of his Converse with his over-sized fingers, launching them on top of his costume once he'd managed to get them off. Grabbing his phone off of the desk with one hand and ruffling his now greasy, damp hair with the other, Dan faceplants into the fluffy hotel pillow and lets out a long, relaxed sigh. That felt a lot better. He lets his face melt into the pillow before slipping under the covers, curling up into a small ball. However, after closing his eyes, he wonders if any fans had taken photos of their performance.

A hand shoots out from under the ball of bedsheets and feels around the bedside desk for his phone. After clumsily knocking a few things onto the floor, Dan succeeds in finding it and the hand retreats back under the cover. Unlocking his phone, Dan sees that he's already got millions of tags on Instagram and loads of mentions on the NSP Twitter. He goes for Instagram, tapping on the app icon and waiting for the photos to load. It takes a couple minutes before they pop into view, because the hotels WiFi is never the best. Scrolling through the photos and videos, Dan cracks a smile. He looks so cool, up there with Arin, his best friend, and the other amazing people he's met. There's pictures of Brian, double middle fingers to the crowd, which makes the fluffy haired man giggle, there's pictures of TWRP rocking out on the guitars.

Dan stops scrolling on a picture of himself and Arin, hugging, with the biggest smile he's ever seen on both of their faces. They look really happy. Dan finds himself staring at the picture too long, smiling softly. He'd accomplished his wildest dreams with his best friend. They'd come so far. He was so proud of Arin, and of himself. He found himself holding back tears. Wow, he didn't intend to make himself that emotional. Shakily, Dan wipes his eyes, the goofy smile still plastered across his face. He's just about to continue scrolling through the pictures, when the door bursts open and light goes on.

Dan yelps in surprise, dropping his phone and fighting back the covers to sit up, squinting in the sudden brightness of the lights. "Danny!" he hears Arin say. "That was amazing!" When Dan's eyes finally adjust to the light, he sees Arin and Suzy wandering around the room, getting ready for bed, he presumed, although he didn't know what time it was. He'd almost forgotten that they were sharing a room. "Thanks, Big Cat." Dan responds croakily. He's obviously worn out his voice from the show. "You were great too, man." He smiles.

Arin smiles back at him, reaching up to take his chocolate coloured hair out of a ponytail. He crashes onto his bed with a grunt, flicking on the small TV on the wall and starting to channel hop. Suzy wanders into the bathroom with pyjamas, shutting the door behind her, and the faint noise of the shower running mingles with the sound of the TV. Arin turns it up a bit. It was a news channel, talking about some tragic car accident that happened yesterday. Dan finds himself watching Arin instead of the TV. There'd always been something... magical about Arin, in his opinion. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Arin was watching the news, brows furrowed and knitted together. He'd never really liked how down and depressing the media is, but it was the only thing on at the moment. He soon loses interest and notices Dan staring at him through the corner of his eye. He turns his head to face Dan. "News is so depressing, isn't it?" Arin comments. Dan is taken by surprise for a moment, after being caught staring, but quickly responds. "Yeah man. Put on a happy story once in a while. Puppies, or something."

Arin laughs. "You all set for tomorrow buddy? It's a long drive home. Are you sure you wanna drive?" Dan nods, and says; "Yeah, I just gotta stick them—" He points to the crumpled NSP suit on the floor. "—into the front of my suitcase. And yeah, I like driving."

"I'll only let you drive if I'm in charge of the music." Arin responds, grinning. "You remember my rules for singing in the car, right?"

"Of course I do, Arin, how could I forget? You remind me of them everytime we get in a car together."

Arin giggles, causing Dan to crack another warm smile. He's always liked Arin's laugh. They grin at each other for a second, although it seems like forever for Dan, before the bathroom door slides open and Suzy hops up onto the bed with Arin. Her pyjama shirt reads "Dying inside." Relatable.

Suzy snakes an arm around Arin, drawing his attention away from Dan and thus putting their conversation to a close. Dan wanted to keep the conversation going, but judging how Arin and Suzy were now cuddling and being all lovey-dovey, it was over. He stares at the couple for a little while, feeling an emotion he'd never really felt before. He didn't know what it was. Was it longing for a girlfriend? He didn't think so. He'd got used to being on his own. Was it jealousy? Nope. He'd never have feelings for Suzy. Unless it was... no. Couldn't be.

Dan realises how long he had been staring and shrugs it off, turning over and setting his alarm for when they had to get up in the morning. Dan wasn't looking forward to that. Never was an early bird. He flicks off the light, curling up under the covers once more with a soft smile on his face. He'd had such an amazing day. The fans at the concerts made every gig special in a different way. He'd never forget them.

As Dan drifts off to sleep, he thinks of the road trip ahead. Tomorrow is going to be fun.

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