A Lover's Fate- Chapter 2

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The rays of sunlight seeping in through the patterned hotel room curtains is what finally causes Dan to slowly open his eyes. When the light hits his eyes he immediately closes them again, groaning in disapproval. Ugh. Mornings. He lies there for a while, dreading the fact that he would eventually have to leave the comfy bed and go for breakfast. Ooh, breakfast. That was his motivation to get up.

Since he hadn't heard any movement from Arin and Suzy's bed, he rolls over only to find that they weren't there. The only trace of them was the pile of crumpled, tossed aside sheets strewn carelessly across the bed. "Arin?" Dan calls, voice low and crackly from just waking up. When there's no response, Dan tries again. "Arin? Suzy?" He calls again, eyebrows furrowing when he makes the connection that they aren't in the room. Puzzled, he reaches a hand out for his phone, stretching as he does so. Could they have gone for breakfast early? He struggles to unlock his phone, eyes and fingers still not quite used to being awake. He squints, reading the time in the corner of the screen. Half eight. It takes Dan a moment to register that he'd slept through the alarm that he had set for seven. And now they had to be on the road in half an hour if they wanted to make it home today.

The curly haired man makes some kind of high pitched squeak and runs a hand through his tangled hair in frustration. Why didn't Arin or Suzy wake him up? He uses every bit of energy to throw himself out of the bed, stumbling over the bedside table and almost losing his balance straight away. Curse those lanky legs. His brown eyes dart around the room, brain in panic mode, trying to process what he needs to do.

Dan slides into the bathroom, careful not to slip on the tiles in his bare feet. He turns on the tap with one hand and grabs his toothbrush with the other, clumsily spreading toothpaste over it. His only focus was getting down to breakfast as fast as he could. He grabs his deodorant from the side of the sink and shakes it violently, spraying, and then throwing it into his toiletries bag. He'd shower later.

He sprints out of the bathroom and pulls his favourite Rush t-shirt down over his head, wriggling into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and slipping on his shoes. He makes a half-hearted attempt at taming the bush that is his hair, and upon deciding that he looked mildly acceptable, Dan scooped up his Ninja Sex Party outfit, still on the floor from last night, and stuffed it into his overflowing suitcase. Zipping the suitcase shut, he bursts out of the bedroom door and into the lift at the end of the hallway, making sure to grab the room key on the way out. Mission accomplished.

Dan checks his phone, amazed that he'd managed to do all that in 10 minutes. That meant he had 20 minutes to eat breakfast. He lets himself relax, wandering out of the lift and into the restaurant where breakfast was being served. Spotting Arin, Suzy, Brian and Ross surrounding a table overlooking the pool outside, Dan walks over to his friends, leaving his suitcase by the window and taking a seat.

"What the hell, man? Why didn't you wake me up?" Dan comments, shooting Arin a look of disapproval. It would have sounded like he was angry if it wasn't for the huge dorky smile spread across his face. Arin looks up from his cereal, a massive spoonful still in his mouth, but he responds anyway. It was hard to tell what he was saying when he had a mouthful of Coco Pops.

"I dunno, I thought you set an alarm! Don't blame me." Arin replies, defensively, but the fact that millions of Coco Pops fall out of his mouth and onto the table makes everyone laugh. Now Arin's trying his best not to laugh and spit milk everywhere. Ross begins making funny faces, obviously wanting to see a food explosion. Brian and Suzy look disgusted. And Danny is giggling like an idiot. "Whatever, it's cool." Dan responds, handing his friend a napkin before digging into a slice of toast for himself. "At least we're not late. Driving in the middle of the night wouldn't be the best idea." Everyone at the table murmurs in agreement.

The rest of breakfast goes smoothly, Suzy capturing everyone in a story about a taxidermy project she's working on, with a couple of the Grumps offering to help. The five of them manage to be checked out of the hotel, Ross and Brian in Brian's car and Danny, Arin and Suzy in Arin's new car, an Intrepid, and on the road before nine. Arin piles into the passenger seat next to Dan and Suzy climbs over her suitcase to get in the back seat. They wave at the other two as they leave before Dan pulls out of the parking space and turns into the city.

There were already millions of cars in the city, despite being early. It was probably rush hour, and driving through the heart of a city during that time was basically asking to be stuck in traffic. "Woo! Who's ready to be stuck in traffic for the next two hours?" Arin yells sarcastically, throwing his arms in the air. "Alright, let's do this!" Suzy yells back, as Dan turns up the radio. It just so happens that the radio station was playing Rush, and of course Dan immediately starts singing at full volume. The next couple of hours is spent having a jam session, until they're finally out the other side of the city and on the highway.

"That was amazing. You've got some moves, guys." Dan turns down the radio once the song ends so that he could focus on driving. The rest of the drive went pretty quickly too, with Suzy occasionally taking pictures and videos for Instagram, Arin making weird noises and jokes, planning out some Grump videos and of course, plenty more jam sessions. It's soon lunchtime, and all three are hungry. "Look!" Suzy points out the window, eyes wide, at a sign for a medieval tourist village. "Go in there! We can get lunch there!" She sounded like a little kid begging to go in a candy shop, and since Arin agreed, they pulled off of the highway and towards the village.

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