Chapter 13

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Greg Stranger threw his glass into the fire and the flames shot higher as the alcohol fueled it. "What do you mean they got away? There are twenty of you! How the fuck many of you do I need to keep one goddamn necklace safe?"

The head of his security team, Oliver Welling, clenched his jaw. "This was a planned heist. We were right behind the guy as he hit the wall, but he had someone on the other side."

"Oh, it was planned? Of course, it was planned! I pay you to make sure these plans don't happen!"

"And I entrusted that your people would see to it."

Pain shot to Greg's temples as the cool, calm voice cut through his anger. "Mr. Sterling. I'm so sorry about this. I'm going to get the Dragon Heart back, I swear. Isobel and I won't rest until—"

"Isobel is gone," said Welling. "So are the two daughters. We think they're in on it."

Greg snapped and he grabbed Welling's lapels and pushed him back against the wall. "Don't talk about my fiancée like that!"

The hand on his shoulder reminded him that he wasn't alone. "Let the man breathe," ordered Sterling. "Why do you think they were a part of it?"

Greg stepped back and Welling rolled his shoulders. Probably wasn't used to being touched by other guys, but with what Greg paid him, he could fucking get used to it.

"Besides the fact that they're gone? Isobel Murray was the last person to see the necklace and she's the one who put it back in the safe. She could've given the lawyer all the information he needed to break in."

"The lawyer who wasn't a lawyer?" asked Sterling.

Greg shook as the anger threatened to take over. This wasn't how tonight was supposed to go. It was his big night. His celebration with the love of his life. Not this...abomination. Sterling couldn't see him lose it, though. Sterling couldn't know the panic right under the surface. "The law firm vouched for him," he said weakly.

Sterling nodded as he walked across the room, his shoes on the hardwood the only sound as everyone waited to see what he would do.

But Sterling couldn't hurt him. He knew where too many of his skeletons were buried. Knew the twisted knot that was Sterling's finances. No. Jonathan Sterling needed him.

The man in question poured himself a drink before he turned back to Greg. "So, what are you going to do?"

Plan. He needed a plan and it needed to work. "They couldn't have gotten far. Whoever has the necklace will have to get out of town first. And then they'll have to find someone stupid enough to buy the thing. They wouldn't risk having it chopped up to be sold."

Sterling nodded before he took a drink. "I see you're on top of it. Good. I'd hate to have this black mark on our relationship."

Greg nodded. "Of course, I—"

"Give me a gun," Sterling interrupted.

"Why do—"

"You just lost a necklace of mine worth thirty million dollars, so I don't think you're the one who should be asking questions."

Greg took a step back even as he looked to Oliver. "Give the man a gun."

His head of security flipped back his suit coat to reveal the shoulder holster and pulled out the Beretta. This guy had been a Navy SEAL and had seen shit Greg couldn't even imagine but even he hesitated before he handed the gun over to Sterling.

And a second later, Sterling shot Oliver right through the forehead. Greg flinched at the shot and stood unmoving for a few long moments, just staring at the blood splatter on his formerly pristine wall.

Sterling set the gun on the table, completely confident Greg wasn't going to go for it. "In case it wasn't clear, my money is important to me. My assets are important to me. My image is important to me. If any of your staff question my devotion to those things, I suggest you have them discuss it with our dearly departed friend here. I want a status report tomorrow morning."

Greg jerked out a nod and Sterling smiled, unconcerned with the body in the room.


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