Chapter 24

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Austin wiped off his face with one of the starchy-feeling towels as he walked out of the shower. The towels were shit, but at least the water pressure had been decent and the hot water hadn't run out. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying this, but the break had been nice. He'd been on the move since bright and early that morning and who knew whether they'd have any downtime once all the players were in place.

Once he was dry, he wrapped the towel around his waist and left the bathroom. He was quiet when he came out because Jennifer was still sleeping on the queen-sized bed closest to the window. After he checked his phone, he crawled into the bed next to her.

She shifted as he pulled her close and nestled her head into the crook of his arm. "Do we need to be moving?" she asked drowsily.

"In a few minutes. Get all the rest you can. I'll wake you up."

She started to sit up and he wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her close. "Don't trust me?" he asked.

"Trust is one thing. My mother walking in on us like this is another."

"And I won't let her. We have about five minutes. Just relax."

She twisted in his arms until she faced him. "Relax? Austin, I'm naked."

"I noticed."

"And you're naked too."

"Also something I've noticed."

"I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to relax when I'm in bed with a naked man."

"Babe, I'm more than ready for round two," he rubbed his hard cock against her, "but I respect you way too much for five minutes."

She let out a little snort as she ducked her forehead into his chest. "What are we even doing? We don't have time for...this."

"You are about to rush in and save your sister. You're going to be a hero." He leaned back far enough so he could tilt her head back and kiss her forehead. "And even heroes need a break."

She looked at him skeptically. "No one's ever called me a hero before."

"Then apparently, no one knows you as well as I do."

"You just met me."

"Doesn't mean I don't know you." For a few long seconds, she stared into his eyes. Austin didn't know what else to say but he didn't feel as if he needed to say anything. Just lying here with her was all he wanted at the moment.

But soon enough it was go time. They had to disentangle from each other and get dressed. He had to get back into the cheap jeans and gray t-shirt and Jennifer was back in her baggy clothes that didn't seem to fit her—body or personality—at all.

The first person there was Weston. He hauled two duffel bags, and Austin bet that they were loaded down with a whole shopping list of things that were illegal in California.

A few minutes later, Hart, Isobel, and Jennifer's other sister, Toni, came in. Toni gave Jennifer an awkward hello, noticeably no hug. Weston stood in the back of the room, guarding his bags, and Toni immediately went to the desk, where she set up her laptop and plugged it in while Hart looked as if he was in need of a good nap himself.

Jennifer and Isobel sat together on one of the beds, noticeably not the one he and she had fucked in. He winced at the thought. Why did that seem so wrong? He'd fucked plenty of women without a second thought.

But none of them had been Jennifer. She was definitely deserving of a second thought.

"You were contacted about the drop?" asked Jennifer, breaking the ice after introductions.

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