Bryllon- Bath Part 2

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Ryan sits up, his head spinning. The cold porcelain of the tub digs into his boney back.

"Where are you going?" someone asks. Ryan snaps his head to the side to see Dallon cuddling into his lap. Ryan runs a hand absentmindedly through Dallon's lush brown hair.

"I thought I heard something," Ryan whispers. Dallon sits up as well, dragging Ryan's hand with him. Ryan giggles quietly before pulling his hand out of the tall man's hair.

"Is anybody in there? I'm dying out here!" someone shouts. He sounds like a man around the age of Dallon and Ryan. Ryan quickly scrambles out of the tub and Dallon follows his actions just as speedily.

"Yeah we'll be out soon," Dallon replies. Ryan sends Dallon a glare for giving away the fact that they're in there together.

"Can I just come in? Unless you guys are naked or something," the voice pleads.

"I guess so," Ryan responds. The door bursts open and a man in about his mid-twenties, as Ryan predicted, slams it shut again. He slides down the white wood and his bottom hits the floor with a thump.

"I'm sorry I'm just extremely anxious," he mutters, "I'm Brendon. Who are you two and why are you just chilling in the bathroom?"

"I'm Ryan and this is Dallon," Ryan says.

"And believe it or not, we were just cuddling in that bathtub," Dallon adds. Ryan glares at Dallon again, but Dallon doesn't seem to mind.

"I hate parties I have no clue why I'm here," Brendon says, looking at his black converse shoes.

"Me either," Ryan sighs. He leans into Dallon's shoulder, getting more and more comfortable with the tall man as time goes on.

"That makes three of us," Dallon admits.

"I like your skinny jeans," Ryan spits out. Nerves trickle into his hands making them shake slightly. Brendon looks down at Ryan's hands.

"Hey it's okay," Brendon soothes as he reaches for Ryan's hand. Ryan locks hands with the man as Brendon whispers sweet nothings through his beautiful cherry lips.

"Can you join us in cuddles?" Dallon asks. Brendon nods eagerly as Ryan pulls him into the tub.

Dallon slides in behind the two shorter men and gets comfortable. Ryan sits himself in between Dallon's legs and pulls Brendon next to him. Luckily, the tub is roomy enough for the three to sit comfortably. Dallon runs his hands through Ryan's hair and Brendon cuddles into their sides. It's almost beautifully serene. Ryan's thoughts begin to disappear again and Brendon begins to shift slightly. As soon as the three stop moving, they also fall asleep, dreams of another time with each other filling their heads.

Alright Part 2 is done! I hope you like it. Also frecklesjosh and drugstorefrank did similar stories/oneshots about this topic so go show them some love they're really incredible. Also heythereitsiris came up with the idea so thank you!

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