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*Back at the house* {Right after Katelyn left the house}

Logan's POV

"No, stop. I told you last time. If you did this again we're done, and I guess you didn't believe me, but guess what, it was true. Plus, this is what you needed anyways, so I just made it easier for you to get me out of the picture." And with that she got up off of the rock and left.

To catch you up on what was happening and why Lizzie, Ryan, Dimitri, the rest of the boys, and I were standing there watching Zach and Katelyn's break up go down, is that when Zach's small little party/get-together thing died down, we were all in the living room of the bois' house when Zach asked where Katelyn was.

Corbyn told him that she went outside a while ago so she might be there. He headed out and Dimitri just burst out and said, "Something is 'bout to go down." We all looked at her weird as she slowly walked to the back door and quietly opened it. Zach's parents and Reese already headed to bed and Ryan wasn't tired so he stayed up. We all looked at each other before following Dimitri outside.

I had my camera ready to vlog something for tomorrow's vlog because I gotta have some vlog footage.((wow how many times can I put vlog in that sentence?))

Long story short, we started to eavesdrop on their fight and here we are now. Dimitri, the rest of the boys, and I very mad at Zach for hurting not only my little sister, but the rest of the guys and Dimitri's best friend, and then Ryan who is very disappointed in is big brother who is suppose to be a good influence towards him.

"I'll make sure she gets home safe, Logan. Don't worry." Lizzie whispered to me before pecking my cheek with a kiss. I nodded and gave her the keys to the car.


No one's pov

-=WARNING!!!; There is going to be some language from this point on in this chapter!!=-

"And to think you were actually a good guy for my best friend, but no one gets away with hurting my best friend with out getting hurt too." Dimitri said making her way over to Zach, with her hands looking ready to beat the shit out of him, but before she could do anything, Jack got in front of her and holding onto her shoulders to stop her.

"Stop! Just let me hurt him so he knows how much he hurt Katelyn!" She yelled at Jack, but his grip was too strong for her to get out of.

"Babe stop. You know violence isn't going to solve anything. I want to hurt him too, but I know I can't." She stopped trying to get out of his hold, and just tried to calm down a bit.

"Wait hold up, 'babe'? When did that start?" Corbyn asked.

"We'll talk about that later, not now." Jack told Corbyn because that was nothing to worry about at the moment.

"Explain yourself. Why'd you bro?" Jonah asked walking over to sit next to Zach.

"I-I had no choice..." He said stuttering a bit from crying.

"What do you mean you had no choice?! Of course  you had a choice! You had the choice to either cheat on Katelyn, or cheat on her, and you being the fucking dumb ass you are decided to cheat!" Dimitri said once again loosing her cool.

"Who is she anyways?" Daniel asked calmly because he was one of the only other ones that was some sort of calm.


"That Emma chick." 

"Sh-she, um, is this girl I use to date back in Texas. I-I hate her. She cheated on me, used me to get more popular, and shit like that."

"Then why are you you back together with her? You obviously hate her." Corbyn asked.

"Because she found out that I'm becoming famous, and she has ways of ruining people's careers. I've seen it before. She told me that if I don't dump Katelyn, and I don't date her, then she's going to ruin not only my career, but all of your guys' too. I had no choice!!" He explained, and yelled the last part out of frustration.

Ryan had already left to go to bed because he didn't want to get in the way of things.

Everyone was beginning to understand but Logan and Dimitri were still mad at Zach.

"That doesn't matter!" Dimitri basically yelled.

"Yeah, no matter what that bitch says. We all have such supportive fans that will stick up for us. Is your career that more important to you then your happiness?" Logan said trying to smack some sense into him.

"You guys are doing music for your jobs, because that's what makes you happy. I vlog and entertain people through videos because it makes me happy to know that I make others happy. Dimitri does photography because it makes her happy." Logan added.

"You just lost something that you are probably never getting back."Dimitri said softly before going inside because of all the stress she was going through right now was too much for her.

There was a long silence between all six of them.

"Give her some time. I'm sure she'll forgive you." Daniel said trying to brighten Zach's mood a bit.

"Nope. If anyone knows Katelyn the most it's me. She's only had a few relationships in her life, and only two were really stupid of her to fall into, and the other 2 just didn't work. She only gives 2 chances and then she's done. For good."Logan says keeping his head down.

Zach just shakes his head, thinking of how stupid he was to ever let Emma get to him the way she did.

The rest of the guys thought the relationship would actually work out. Even Logan and Jake. Zach was the one guy that Katelyn's brothers excepted. They wanted it to work just as much as both Katelyn and Zach wanted to.

"I've gotta fix this." Zach whispered but still loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'm sorry bro, but I don't think there's anything to fix." Jonah said standing up and rubbing Zach's back to comfort him while he just shook his head trying to come up with something he could do. Jonah soon headed inside followed by everyone else.

Logan's POV

I under stand now why Zach did what he did. I'm still mad at him for hurting Katelyn, but I still see his side of the story.

He was just trying to protect his career by lying to this Emma girl. I mean if you look back at it, he didn't have to go behind Katelyn's back and do this and instead he could have talked to Katelyn about it, told social media that they broke up so that this Emma girl thinks that they broke up, but then still dated Katelyn but in secret. Of course we would know, but like social media that Emma didn't know.

It could have gone a lot better then this!



I'm sorry for such a shitty chapter but I'm trying to find a way I could end it but in a different way, you know. Sorry again for a shitty chapter, there should be another by tomorrow or sometime this week if I can get my homework finished in time.

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