As a Pasta

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Slender began to give the SCP's instructions on how they are allowed to live, which is basically they get their own free will to do whatever they want, however, they mustn't leave Slender's woods for to long, and they are also not allowed to kill any of us Proxies.

So far, 682 is gonna live in the forest with Seedeater, Cain and 070 will live here in the old mining company with Kate, then the 939's will live in the marsh area that's not to far from both the mansion and the mining company, and as for the others? They're all allowed to live in the mansion.

I led them back to the mansion, so that they could get settled in, and so that master could go around the forest and check for humans. It wasn't that long of a walk, so we soon got there and were now in the living room. Sally already met them, and she also took 1048 up to her room to have a tea party with him, and he seemed happy about that. Rake also just got here, he doesn't live here though, just stops in when he's bored. He and 096 seemed interested in each other, so the two of them went somewhere to hang out, I guess they could be same... species? I don't actually know what either one are, but they're pretty similar.

Anyways, I soon began to bring them all to their room, though I found BEN along the way, so I figured to ask him about 079. "Hey BEN." I said first, to gain his attention, since he was flying above up sipping on some soda. He stopped and turned my way, looking to me.

"What's up, slut?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you could get 079 into a different computer here, or even give him a robotic body?" I asked, holding up the 079 flashdrive. He took it into his hand, looking at it a bit closer.

"Well, can pigs fly?" He asked with a smirk.

"Uh, no." I answered, making that smirk fall a bit.

"Well let's assume they can. I'll let you know when he's ready." He said, then started to fly off a bit. "But, what's in it for me?" He asked, looking to me again.

"You get to keep your room from being flooded." I answered him, to which he gave a scared expression and nodded quickly before dashing off.

I then got them into some rooms for the giant-ass mansion, though 173 and 106 will probably have to live in the basement. Besides that though, 1025 had a room right next to the library, 914 was next to Bloody Painter's room, which I think Helen will be okay with, since 914 is mute. I left the two rings in Slender's office, as well as that skull and the 420-J's. The only ones left now are 049 and the Peripheral Jumper, but he's just gonna be around anywhere, so it's just 049 now. His room is next to Eyeless Jack's and Dr. Smiley's, then right across from mine.

After showing him where his room was, I went down to where we currently have the humans we brought back. I looked at each of them, all of them were awake now, and were freaking out as well. I smirked and decided to get some of the others, Dr. Smiley and EJ for sure, then a few others, probably 049 as well. I got the trio of doctors and went downstairs with them to the victims. I took Doritos from them and told them to take their picks.

The two Pastas went first, Jack looking at them all to pick out which one would be best to harvest organs from. "Honestly Jack, must you be so picky?" Dr. Smiley asked as he threw one onto a table and strapped down the wrists and ankles of the man.

"Well unlike you, I eat harvest my meals from them, you just experiment on them until there's nothing left to experiment on." Jack replied, pulling up the one he chose and putting them onto a different metal table, doing the same to their hands and wrists.

"What are they up to?" 049 and Doritos both asked, one of interest the other of fear.

"You see, Dr. Smiley experiments on his victims, usually until they die of whatever he injects into them. While Eyeless Jack here cuts them open and harvests their inner organs, and no, he doesn't kill them first. Just cuts them open and cuts the organs out." I explained.

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