Round 1 Results

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Hello Dear Readers,

It's been an amazing month and we had so many contestants for the Cover Contest. I want to thank everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to be creative.

I'm here with Round 1 Results. These are the people who have cleared the first round. Please take a few minutes to check out these amazing artistic contributions.



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witserendipity who sent in 4 covers.

witserendipity who sent in 4 covers

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Congratulations to you all!

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Congratulations to you all!

You all are selected for Round 2. 

To the cover artists whose works that didn't make it to Round 2, I'm sorry. 

Better luck next time and thank you for participating. You're so wonderful.

I'll be updating rules for Round 2 soon. Keep this book in your library for updates.

RVA <3

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