Distracted: Chapter Eighteen

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Somber, Erin kissed her sister goodbye, hugged her brother-in-law, patted Ben on the head. She didn't want them to take her to Eaton's tiny airport. She wanted to say her goodbyes then disappear.

A car service had returned the SUV the day after Spence's departure. He chartered a private jet and returned to North Carolina. Instead of driving the large vehicle on the Beltway, Erin turned it in at the car rental counter at the airport, then boarded the small airplane to D.C.

She drew more than a few stares from other travelers. Puffy red eyes and a runny nose made it obvious she'd been crying recently. Four hours and an ear-splitting Metro ride later, she tugged her suitcase up the steps to her Dupont Circle apartment. She put the key in the lock and opened the door. So familiar. Her things were still here, right where she'd left them.

Aidan was in the kitchen cooking. Instrumental music filled the apartment. He was playing her favorite CD. Fresh flowers graced the table. Still, it couldn't comfort her. She ached.

"I'm home," she said, dropping her keys onto the console.

"Hi honey. Rough trip?" Aidan breezed into the living room and kissed her on the cheek. "Here, let me help you." He took the suitcase handle and wheeled it into her bedroom.

"Aidan? Is that you or a doppelganger?"

"Ha, ha. I know you've had a bad time and I want to cheer you up. It's not every day our girl gets fired. In fact, I don't think it's ever happened, has it?"

"Sometimes I wish you were gay. You could have been such a good friend," she said, silently adding "... instead of a lousy husband."

"I can pretend to be gay if it makes you happy."

He pulled into his arms and hugged her.

"I've missed you, Erin," he said, kissing her forehead.

"Aidan. Don't."

"I've made you dinner."

"I see."

"I've got your favorite wine."

"That's nice, but I'm not ..."

"Sshh," he said, putting his finger on her lips. "Just sit and have something to eat."

He pulled out her chair. She didn't think she could eat, but she sat, drained a glass of wine and Aidan served her dinner.

"This is so good. Where did you learn how to make this?" Erin asked, her cheeks stuffed with garlic mashed potatoes.

"Mickey Mantle's. It's a restaurant in New York."

"When did you go to New York?"

"A couple of weeks ago. I got a call from Columbia University. They've accepted me into the post doctoral."

"Aidan! That's wonderful. When can you start?"

"You're not upset?"

"Not at all. I've always wanted you to finish. I've always wanted to call you Dr. Aidan Carter."

"Why don't you go with me? Then I can call you Mrs. Dr. Aidan Carter?"

"Aidan; you don't mean that."

"Yes. I do. I've missed you. No one has ever understood how important my research has been. No one has supported me like you have. You've put up with my idiotic behavior..."

"Is that what they're calling adultery nowadays?" Erin interrupted, gazing into her wineglass.

"Don't say that. I wish I could take back the past two years. I've come to realize how special you are and I don't want to lose you again."

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