Day Three

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Ok, I'm finally going to update this book!

Thank you for staying with me!

So I hope you enjoy and please comment, vote or become a fan!




~*~Lindsey's POV~*~

I stepped out of our silver jet and took a deep breathe of the salty fresh air. The reality in front of me was like a fairy tale. Palm trees scattered around the beach, the tropical rain forest just beyond the sandy shore, and of course the heavenly rays of sunlight kissing the top of my pale skin. I let the sunshine soak into my skin as I dropped my hundred pound luggage and raised my arms up welcoming the warmth to stay with me and to keep me warm forever. The sky was a brilliant blue without a cloud in its vast space, the ocean was a deep turquoise and light blue with small waves pushing its was upon the shore. Taking a look down I was mesmerized by how the golden sand seemed to be glistening with millions and trillions of small gems. I was defiantly in paradise now and I plan to enjoy it as much as I could before our gloomy dark mission could spoil it.

"Hey Lindsey, could you pick up your crap there and start walking forward to the parked car over there because we don't have all day to put away our stuff and then find out how to work some of our gadgets. Ya know what I mean and this stuff weighs a ton. Sassy Jane back there made me carry her bag that has to weigh the most out of our entire luggage haul," came a voice behind me.

"Sorry Don but I'm just enjoying the scenery for just a second." So with that I picking up my luggage. I descended down the steps to the waiting car. "You know you like to complain about everything," I threw over my shoulder.

"That what I do best ma'am," Don replied with a western accent. Rolling my eyes I reached the car and handed my bags over to the driver. Opening the slick white car door, I scooted in and twisted the top off a bottle of water that I had gotten from the jet. Taking a quick swallow of the refreshing liquid, my eyes traveled to look out the window. The sun was sinking but it wasn't quite dark outside and there were still a lot of light covered the massive island like a blanket.

So peaceful yet there was a still darkness surrounding the place. "Where to?" asked Jane as she slid in after me. Shrugging I pointed to Daniel, who just got in and sat down right a crossed from Jane, "Ask him Jane, he knows all the information there is for this trip. I have to dig my laptop out so I can make some plans when we get to our destination...wherever that may be." Scooping up my bag I dug through it to find that laptop of mine. "Hey Daniel, where are we going?" Jane asked again. I sighed and typed my password into the computer after I was done with the user name. I scanned my finger and I was logged in. "Imperial Swan Hotel," came the reply. "Just twelve miles from the airport." Focusing back on my computer I checked up on my messages and found a new message from John.

"It's one of the more expensive places on this island equipped with a whole kitchen setup, two bedrooms, two beds for each room, a living area, and two big bathrooms." Daniel went on.

"So I guess I'm going to sleep on the couch then..." Don mumbled as he played with the car's air condition. Reading my message I scrolled through it until I finished. It seems like John just wants us to just relax when we get to the hotel and to settle in. Lifting my eyes from the computer screen I caught Jane smacking Don's hand away from the cars automatic button to close and open the windows. Shaking my head, Daniel gave me a look that said 'look what we have to put up with.' Smiling I went back to replying to John's message. Clicking the send button I closed my laptop and stashed it back in my bag. Tapping my finger against the seat I glanced at the person sitting across from me. Silent as the night, Finn gazed blankly out the window. A shiver ran down my back, there was something strange about him. He was always so quiet and silently stands in the shadows.

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