02 || lost

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irenethebae set an event reminder at squiddies!

event reminder: outing tomorrow!

time: 6 in the morning (sharp)

place: irene's

yerimmie, wenderp, kseulgi and joyeppuda responded: going!

"where will you go tomorrow dear?" irene's mother asked her while she was busy packing her things, "well, yeri decided a place for us to go so we'll check it first then leave if it's no good." irene replied to her as she folded her clothes neatly, "here, use it wisely!" her mother teased as soon as she took the money she gave, irene giggled. "yeah, will do mom, thanks." she replied as her mother left her to finish her things.

irene remembered that the girls talked about packing only the essentials for the trip so that they'll be travelling lightly for the trip wouldn't take long.


event reminder: outing (today)

irene woke up very early to prepare herself, doing her early morning routine and was halfway on finishing when her phone suddenly rang. checking on the caller i.d she picked up her phone that was charging near her bed side table.

d she picked up her phone that was charging near her bed side table

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"hey" irene answered as she was straightening her shirt, "we're already outside you granny!" joy said and laughed at the other line, irene shook her head "yeah, coming." she replied as she ended the call taking her belongings too. a few spins in the mirror, smiling in satisfaction she rushed downstairs.

"we'll be going mom." irene said as she kissed her mother's cheeks along with her dad's, "take care girls, make sure no boys are staying!" irene's dad said and they all nodded, "of course dad." irene laughed as they walk out the gates, "always check on your phone, irene okay? stay safe." her mom said as they bid final goodbyes, the five of them entered at irene's car. "well yeri," irene spoke as soon as they were inside, "did you find the way to that place?" irene asked and yeri nodded while buckling their seat belts, "yep, here's my phone just follow the tracker." yeri handed the phone to the eldest.

"the driving will take long, who'll switch with me on driving?" irene asked and yeri raised her hand, "want to!" she said and all of them groaned, "how bout no?" irene said as she looked at yeri on the rear mirror. "i'll switch if you're tired." joy said and irene nodded, a several long hours of drive they decided to have a stop over so that others can take a pee and buy foods to eat. "i'll fill up the tank so you better buy foods that can fill us up too, not junk foods and sodas please." irene nagged and the rest nodded, entering the store to buy foods as soon as they paid for it they headed out and they drove off again.

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