Chapter 1

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Finally, they finished their concert. Going out the back of the building, The Bangtan Boys were going to leave to celebrate almost finishing the tour by eating out. But the maknae, Jungkook, had other plans. "I'm going to go back to the studio." Jungkook says. "Why? For what?" Jimin says confused. "Just because." he shrugged. "Well, can you go after we eat? Or at least not alone?" "He can go with TaeHyung." NamJoon suggested. "V hyung!" Jungkook yelled. "Yeah?" TaeHyung replied. "Go with him to the studio!" NamJoon yelled. "Aww, but I'm so hungry!" TaeHyung whined. "I can go alone, it's fine." Jungkook said a little annoyed. He just wanted to get to the studio already. "Kookie, why do you want to go back to the studio?" TaeHyung asked.

During the concert, while Jungkook was singing his solo in "N.O", he messed up on his dancing. After that performance, he went off stage, trying not to cry. He felt as if every fan saw the mistake. Felt he let them down. Felt that his fans are now judging him even. That's the reason why. He wanted to get better, for their last concert tomorrow.

"Can't you do that tomorrow?" TaeHyung said. Jungkook shrugged. "Will you be ok walking yourself?" he sighed, "Can't we at least drop you off? It's late and you're just 17!" Jungkook shook his head. "I'll be fine. You guys can go. Have fun eating! Save some for me if you can!" TaeHyung nodded, and Jungkook took off walking.

He just kept staring at Jungkook walking away. Worried and paranoid, he finally steps into the van. They take off. "Fuck!" TaeHyung yells. Startled, HoSeok asks, "What happened?" "I should've went with him!" he yells more loud. "How did we just let him go by himself?!" "You're the one who didn't want to go with him!" Jimin yelled. "Shut up!" V shouted! Jimin's eyes opened wide. "Hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." "It's ok." Jimin says mad. It's silent. They finally arrived at the restaurant after about half an hour. No one spoke a word. 

NamJoon's phone rang, breaking the silence. "Hello?" he answered. He jerks up from his seat, "What?!" Everyone's confused, looking at each other. "Ok! We're coming!" he hangs up. "Go to the hospital!" he yells at the driver. He stares at the others. "He's...Jungkook...he got hit! Drunk driver..." "I fucking knew it!" TaeHyung yells, bursting into tears. Jimin who was earlier mad at V, comforted him by letting him cry on his shoulder. Again, silence. All you can hear was TaeHyung's weeping, and the others just sniffing, trying to hold it in.

Then Jin exploded. "V! You should've went! This wouldn't have happened!" TaeHyung, startled, started crying more in agreement. "Hyung! It's not his fault, stop! The driver was drunk!" Suga yells, seeing how hurt TaeHyung was. No one has ever seen him cry that hard. He didn't stop and his cries were really loud. "I'm sorry TaeHyung. I didn't mean it. It's just, I'm shocked...worried." Jin says, at the edge of crying. TaeHyung calms down a bit. His cries turning into sniffs. "It's ok." he said.

They arrive at the hospital, all walking slow to the counter. "We're here for Jeon Jung Kook?" Jin asks. The nurse looks up, surprised at seeing BTS. "Oh uhm, hold on." She says, leaving to another nurse. "I guess she's a fan." J-Hope says. The nurse came back. "Wait here for a bit. We'll call you when it's time to see him." They all nod, "Thank you.", and went to sit.

An hour passed and the nurse came back. "He's ready. Follow me." They all followed her into room C-279, on the third floor. "Is he okay? Will he survive?" Jin asked. "He's fine." she replies. Jungkook wakes up to their voices. "But there's one problem." she says, sounding really sorry. "What?" V asks. "Who's that?" Jungkook says, his voice raspy from just waking up. "He lost most of his memory." she says.

She walks up to Jungkook, "They're the members from your band." She moves her head, telling them to come closer. "Hi maknae. It's your hyung, Jin. Remember me?" Jungkook analyzes him, then shakes his head. "No, sorry." Jin's eyes became teary, but tries to hide it. "TaeHyung, introduce yourself! You're his best friend. He should remember you!" Suga whispered. TaeHyung steps in front. "Hey Kookie. It's your favorite hyung, TaeHyung...V?" It's quiet for a while. The members hoping he'd remember. "Kookie?" Jungkook asks. V chuckles a bit, "Kookie is what we call you, mostly because you're the youngest and your fans call you that also," Jungkook nods. "I don't remember any of you, sorry." All the members heads hung low.

"Do you remember having a best friend?" TaeHyung asked, not giving up yet. Jungkook thinks for a while, then shakes his head. "No sorry, but..." Everyone jolts up hoping he noticed someone now. "There's a memory I remember. I don't know if it was with you guys." "Tell us." Jin said. "I remember going to an ice cream stall with this one guy, and he took my ice cream and smashed it on my head. We both laughed. I'm guessing we're close because I don't remember being angry."

"That was me!" Jimin yelled really happily. "It was your birthday and I took you out because the others were sleeping." Jungkook just layed on the bed staring at Jimin. "Oh." he just says. "We all live together?" he asks. They all nodded.

At that moment, Junkook's mom walked in. "Umma!" he shouts. He remembers his mom, they all thought. "Are you ok?" his mom asks. "I'm fine umma." he says. The nurses took the mom outside telling her that he lost some of his memory and he doesn't remember his band members.

They walk back in and his mom goes up to the boys, giving them a big hug. "I'm sorry. He doesn't remember anything?" she asks. They shook their heads. "No, only one memory with Jimin. But he doesn't remember that it was Jimin that was in the memory." TaeHyung says. The mother's head just hung low.

"Jungkook? When you get released, do you want to go home with me or your group members?" she asks. Jungkook stares at his members. "With you." The members weren't surprised with the answer, he doesn't even remember them. But they were still pretty sad they weren't picked. "Ok, I'll see you later! Love you!" she says while blowing him a kiss. She hugs the boys and says, "Don't worry. I'll help him remember." and walks out.

"We'll be leaving too." J-Hope says. While walking out, RapMon asks, "What are we going to do with tomorrow's concert?" No one answered. They all walked into the elevator. "I think we should continue it. Have someone sing Jungkook's part. It's our last concert, too. And maybe he'll see a video and remember a little of us." Jin said. They all thought it was a good idea.

On the elevator ride down, all that was to be heard, was TaeHyung's sniffing.

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