Chapter 16

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"TaeHyung! Wake up!" Jin yelled. "We have to go!" TaeHyung sits up. "Go where?" "To get Jungkook's cake." Jin replied. TaeHyung rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. "It's 7am. Why now?" TaeHyung groaned, laying back down. "Because Jungkook is sleeping, we can sneak it in easily."

TaeHyung sat back up. "Fine. Lets go. But lets do it quick, I want to sleep." Jin nodded. "Ok. Lets go." They go and leave the dorm.

Jungkook was in his room awake. He was holding onto the bear, looking at it. He kept replaying what TaeHyung said to him. "Why did I hate this bear?" he whispered to himself. He kept staring at it, then scoffed. "This isn't the movies. I can't just make a flashback happen by looking at this." He started quietly laughing to himself.

He put the bear aside and sat up, looking around the room, seeing only Jimin sleeping. "Why did Jin hyung leave this time?" He said to himself. He got up and walked to the living room. "What time is it?" he says, looking at the clock. It was 7:10am. "Ugh, where'd he go this early?"

He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He saw the food Jimin and TaeHyung cooked. "What the? I thought hyung ate it." He closed it, and when he turned around, he saw a key in the cabinet's lock. He went to it and turned it, unlocking the cabinet. When he opened it, he saw the plastic bag TaeHyung hid in there.

He was about to grab it when he heard the front door open. "TaeHyung, hurry up!" he heard Jin yell. "Don't worry hyung! I just remembered something I need to do." he heard TaeHyung say, coming to the kitchen. He closed the cabinet quick.

"Oh, Jungkook. You're awake." TaeHyung says, looking at the cabinet, seeing if the key is still there. "Yeah. Where are you guys going?" Jungkook asked. "Uh....I don't know. Jin hyung just woke me up early." TaeHyung replied. Jungkook nodded and went to go open the fridge.

"!" TaeHyung yelled. "What?" Jungkook says. TaeHyung went to go close the fridge. "I already know." Jungkook said. "You do?" TaeHyung says. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I know you lied to me about the food and what was in the bag." TaeHyung looks at him and sighs. "Now don't lie. Where are you guys going?" Jungkook asks.

"TaeHyung! Hurry up!" Jin yelled. "Coming!" TaeHyung yelled back. He looks at Jungkook. "You'll see tomorrow." he says, while taking the key from the cabinet. He smiles and then leaves the dorm.

"What took you so long?" Jin asks. "Sorry, Jungkook was awake and he's suspecting now. He saw the birthday food." TaeHyung replied. "He knows it's for his birthday?" Jin asks. TaeHyung shook his head. "Then why would he be suspecting?" Jin asks. "It's a long story." "It's ok. It takes about 7 minutes to walk to the cake shop." Jin says.

TaeHyung sighs. "Yesterday I was holding a bag with his present in it and he asked about it and I lied saying it was the food. Right now, he saw the food and asked me where we were going. I didn't tell him. You called me that time. And yesterday he also asked himself why we all became distant with him." Jin didn't say anything. He kept walking.

"Do you think he's suspecting his birthday?" Jin asks. TaeHyung shook his head. "He's more mad. I mean, he's not suspecting anything but he's really curious and annoyed it seems." Jin nods. "I guess we need to talk to him more if he thinks we're being distant." he says.


Jimin walks out his room, seeing Jungkook laying down on the couch. "Where's Jin hyung?" he asks. "I don't know. He went somewhere with TaeHyung hyung." Jungkook replied, sitting up. "Hyung, what was in the bag?" Jungkook asks.

"Huh? What bag?" Jimin says. "The bag TaeHyung hyung had yesterday. The one I just found in the cabinet." Jungkook replied. Jimin sighed and walked towards him. "I can't tell you. But you'll see tomorrow." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I thought you guys were different. Hiding and lying to me now." Jungkook mumbled under his breath. "What?" Jimin says. "Nothing." Jungkook replied, getting up to his room, locking the door.

He went straight to the closet, looking at his clothes. He was deciding to leave again or not, but this time, for good. He grabbed some shirts and pants and threw it on the bed, seeing a piece of paper flying from one of the shirts pockets. He went to go pick it up. "Kookie. She wasn't worth your time. Don't cry. You know us hyungs are here if you need comfort. I'm keeping the bear you threw at me, in case you need it for later in the future for another special person. You'll find the one. Love, TaeHyung." Jungkook reads.

He looked at the bear on the counter, and went to pick it up. "I had a bad crush? I had a horrible girlfriend? What happened?" he said to himself. He thought about how he threw the bear down last night in front of TaeHyung. It probably reminded him of that night in the note, he thought to himself. He sighed and put the bear and note down.

He turned around and saw the clothes on his bed. He picked them up and put them back in the closet. "Hyung, I told you. You're the something that keeps me here." he whispered to himself.

He turned to the door, hearing TaeHyung yell, "Honeys! I'm home!" He grabbed the note and opened the door, walking out the room towards TaeHyung. "Oh, hey Jungkook." TaeHyung says.

Jungkook handed him the note. "What's this?" TaeHyung says, grabbing it. He reads it, then chuckles. "Wow, I wrote this about 6 months ago. You barely found it now?" Jungkook just stood there, staring stiffly, looking like if he wants to confess something, but doesn't know what.

Jungkook looked at Jin coming inside, holding a plastic bag. "What's that?" Jungkook asked. Jin jumped. "Omo! You scared me. It's nothing. You'll see it tomorrow." he replied, going to the kitchen.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked back to his room. TaeHyung stared at him going in, then looked back at the note. "Did he find it before and kept it? Or did he just find it now?" he said to himself.

NamJoon walked out his room. "TaeHyung! Did you guys get the cake?!" he yelled. "Hyung! Shhh! Jungkook's awake!" TaeHyung whispered. "Yeah, we got it."

Jin walked in. "Where did Jungkook go?" he asked. "In his room." TaeHyung replied. Jin nodded and walked towards the door. He opened it and walked inside.

"Jungkook?" Jin says. Jungkook was sitting on his bed, looking at his clothes, debating again whether or not to leave. He turned around. "Yes hyung?" Jin walked closer. "Are you ok?" he asks. Jungkook nods. "I'm fine, why?"

Jin smiled and sat next to him. He kept staring at Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Jin. "What?" he asked. Jin just chuckled, and started playing with Jungkook's hair. "We all miss you." Jin said. Jungkook's body felt a bit tingly inside. His eyes became watery.

"Hyung, am I normally this emotional?" Jungkook asked, wiping a tear. Jin shook his head. "But you are very sensitive." Jungkook nodded. "I'm really curious, I'm curious to what it's like knowing you guys. You guys seem to have loved me so much. I'm curious to how much I loved you." he said. Jin smiled, trying not to cry.

"Kookie. Just know that I'm always here for you. Remember that nothing bad will happen as long as I'm here." Jin said, his eyes getting watery. "Hyung..." Jungkook says, a bit confused on what's going on. "Learn to respect Jimin. And never loose your friendship with TaeHyung." Jin smiled. He was ignoring Jungkook. He just kept talking to him, acting like if Jungkook never forgot his memory. He thought that, if Jungkook never remembers, he can at least have this time to act like he does. "And I'm your hyung! The oldest! Of course I'm going to boss you around!" Jin finished, chuckling.

Jungkook just looked at him, lost. Jin patted Jungkook's knees and left the room. He saw TaeHyung outside, standing by the door. "Hyung, are you ok?" TaeHyung asked. He saw and overheard what Jin had said to Jungkook. "I miss him so much!" Jin yelled, bursting into tears, crying into TaeHyung's arms.

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