Chapter 16

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Jungkook POV:

Jungkook looks up at Namjoon who's giving him a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry Jungkook," he says softly.

"Was it good?" Jungkook asks straightening up.

"What?" Namjoon asks.

"My acting....?"

"Wait what... You were acting??!!!"

"I have been practicing all morning on how to look sad infront of the police and everyone when they confront me."

"Well then you're good cause i was fooled." Namjoons said laughing.

I can do this. I can pretend to be sad. I didnt take all those acting classes in high school for nothing..

"Do you want a drink since you're here? A caramel macchiato perhaps?? I made 4 this morning for people who didnt order them."

"Why did you make them if they did not order it?"

"I don't know. I'm just tired I guess."

"Or you were thinking about me? Haa? Anyways i told you that i don't like caramel macchiato."

"I know," Namjoon laughs.

"I will have expresso before I got to work."

Jungkook finishes two expressos before he leaves for work. "I will stop by after work so we can walk home together.."

"Yeah sure," Namjoon says and Jungkook nods, they wave at each other as Jungkook leaves to work.

Jungkook enters the Hardware store, luckily he doesn't have to work with Jin today. If he did see Jin, the chances of jin getting killed accidentally with an axe would be very high. He walks in and is greeted with alot of group hug from his boss and co workers but Not Jin.

Why are these people hugging me?

"We heard about your mom Jungkook," one of the female coworkers says. "I'm sorry for your loss.."

"Emm.. Yeah.. Thanks,"Jungkook says.

"We just wanted you to know that we're here for you," his boss says.

This was awkward..

"Thank you." Jungkook gives them a sad smile and looks down.

"You can have a day off Jungkook," his boss says. "Go home and rest.."


"Go, comeback when you're ready.."

"Em.. Okay," Jungkook turns and walks out of the hardware store, but then he's greeted by the police right outside the door.

Now imma show them my acting skills...

"Jeon Jungkook?" A policeman asks and Jungkook has no choice to only nod. "We're here for your mother."

"Oh...." Jungkook looks down.

"We are very sorry." The man says and Jungkook nearly rolls his eyes.

They're not sorry! They say that to all Family of any murders victim. Everybody tells people they're sorry for their loss but no one really means it. The memory of Jungkook's dad funeral plays in his head. The countless relatives that never stay in touch hugging him and telling him they're sorry. Jungkook hates funerals as much as he hates weddings. Too much crying at funerals and too much joy at weddings.

"When was the last time you saw your mother?"

"A few days ago," Jungkook says softly. "I... Just moved out of my mother's apartment into my boyfriend's. The last time i saw her when I was packing my stuff."

Jungkook has been practicing that story all morning getting every detail right so when the police asks him something he would have a right answer.

"Oh.." The police officer showed a disgust look on his face. Jungkook knew that having a boyfriend will make the police believe more than if he said he was moving with his girlfriend or a friend. He wants his story to believable and namjoon is going to help him do just that. "Did you notice your mother acting weird? Nervous at all?"

"No, she offered me and my boyfriend dinner than helped me pack my stuff.." Jungkook then covers his mouth with his hand, a single tear slips from his eye. He looks up at the tear slowly making its way down to his cheeks. "I can't believe she's gone..."

"I know it's hard..." The officer says sincerely.

"You lost both of your parents? One to alcohol poisoning and one to murder?"


"Then you don't know," Jungkook snaps and shakes his head. "I'm sorry I didn't know about it.."

"No, you have every right to be mad. Do you have any idea who would want to hurt your mother?"

"No I don't think so, everyone loved my mom. " Jungkook stares at the man, the one who's writing things down in his notepad. "Em.. Excuse me but I have had a rough morning could i finish this later? I'm really tired.."

"Yes of course... Thank you for your help. Here's my card. If you remember anything don't hesitate to call us.."

"Okay, please find the bastard who killed my mom."

"We'll try our best.." Jungkook nods and walks away.

"Yeah try your best," Jungkook says smirking.

1k reads and 175 votes thank you guys so much 💗💗


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