Scene 2: Hallucinations

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   "What's wrong with me?, why is this happening?!," Yusuf spoke aloud as he got up from his mattress.

He examined his apartment for anything out from the ordinary but everything's in place.

     He looked at himself in the mirror next to his wardrobe. "I look like shit," he thought.

The makeshift pajamas that he wore that consisted of a torn up maroon shirt and black tracks doesn't compliment his average physique at all. His looks seem like the smallest problem at the moment. He is wondering about yesterday's ordeal and all that has happened.

"Elly ain't alive, it can't be, it just can't. She died, she died...., but why is she still terrorizing me then?!," he painfully murmured to himself.

    He grabbed his phone and almost smashed it out of frustration. It was one in the afternoon, he had more than twenty miss calls. Yusuf doesn't want anyone to see him in this state, everyone will think his going insane.

"I sure am," he said to himself as he proceeded to examine his door.

Why had it been unlocked yesterday?, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. It's still sturdy and strong.

    Suddenly, he heard heavy footsteps outside his door. It's getting louder as the seconds pass.

"Somebody's coming to end me...," he thought as the footsteps stopped abruptly.

He got on his hands and knees and saw a shadow of a pair of feet right outside his door. Yusuf got up and stood paralyzed with fear in front of his door.

"It's your imagination, nothing of this is real," he tried to believe but can't.

    "Open the door now," the unknown person said without knocking.

It's Elly's voice for sure, it was the deep inhuman voice of the demon from his nightmare.

"Open the door you twat, I know you're in there Yusuf, don't hide from me," she said.

Yusuf has nowhere to hide, he eventually curled up in the corner of his room and waited. He's trembling with fear and he couldn't talk back, he doesn't want to, she might maybe leave, maybe.

    "Open the damn door," she said for the third time before everything went silent.

The silence scared him more, he didn't take his eye of the door. After a few minutes, he almost had a heart attack as she revealed herself.

"You've asked for this," she said as the hatchet came down on the door.

Yusuf is paralyzed with fear,

"She's going to kill me, I am waiting for death itself. She really wants me to join her in hell."

The hatchet came down again and an indentation was made on the door. She placed her eye on the door and found Yusuf.

"I found you!, nowhere to hide now my love. Just wait there, I'll end your misery soon enough," she said laughing.

The hatchet came down on the door and she was able to stick her head through. She grinned at Yusuf when he raised his head to look back. Her face was smeared with blood and her eyes were pitch black.

"A couple more whacks and I'll be inside!, Hahahahaha!!," she said as she screamed with laughter.

Yusuf still haven't said anything, he can't. The hatchet came down and the door came down with it, He had a glance at Elly before she ran to him. He forced his eyes shut, but knowing she's in front of him.

But a familiar voice came out.

"What the hell Yusuf, what's wrong with you?, Jonah and I were wondering where were you."

He opened his eyes and saw Farrah, his elder sister eyeing him with fear and wonder.

"But...but..., she was here..., she came to kill me, she was at the door," Yusuf muttered weakly and still was trembling with fear.

"I was at the door Yusuf, and you didn't open nor answer me so I had to break it open. I knew something was off when I asked the neighbors and they told me they heard screaming from your apartment last night," his sister explained.

Yusuf didn't answer, he doesn't want her sister to know about his eternal insanity.

"Oh my god, what happened to you and your apartment?," she added.

"It's nothing, I'm fine, I just had a nightmare nothing more," he said.

"Did you dream of Elly again, man it's been two months. Get over it...," Farrah said back almost instantly.

What does she know of my misery, nothing, she knows absolutely nothing.

"Can't you leave me alone?, I can handle myself," Yusuf answered back.

"It seems like at the moment, you can't little brother. I'm bringing you to Jonah's house, maybe you can talk to him about your matters better," she suggested.

    Jonah is Yusuf's colleague and best friend. Yusuf also thinks it's a good idea to meet up with him.

"Alright, lets go," he answered.

Without changing or anything, he left his cursed apartment along with her elder sister.

"There's a weird vibe in your apartment you know?, I feel as if I'm in a cemetery or funeral. Very gloomy and depressing," Farrah said.

"I know..I know, most times I myself feel like I'm never alone in my apartment," he replied.

Farrah kept quiet after his statement.

     It was only his sister at the door but Yusuf imagined it was his killer Elly. How did it end up like that?. Yusuf came to a conclusion that with all this hallucinations, his actually reaching insanity.

He looked behind to his apartment, Farrah fixed the door handle that she broke to enter. The door was closed at the moment but he saw a pair of bloodshot eyes looking back at him somehow through the door. Fear filled him and a chill ran up his spine as he turned away from the eyes.

"They are there to remind me that they are always watching me. I dreadfully need to talk to Jonah," he painfully thought.

"Something troubling you Yusuf?," Farah asked.

"No, no its nothing. Let's just walk faster okay. I need to see Jonah fast," he answered.

Farrah nodded and an eerie deep inhuman like voice filled Yusuf's head.

"I'll make sure, you regret everything you've done."

Yusuf quickened his pace.

(Scene 3 is published and ready for your reading needs)

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