Minghao x Jun (seventeen - fluff)

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Mwahonhonhonhonhonhonhonhon. Let's all appreciate china line and their beautiful voices, personalities and dancing. *now onto the shameless self promotion* I hope you like this story (it probably won't be as long as the last Jeongcheol one cuz that killed me) and please vote, comment, like and request! Thank youuu ;3

~admin zuhoe (deym I love this name)

Jun walked down the street, hands swinging by his side, whistling along to one of his favorite songs. He stopped humming as he reached his house and instead focused on trying to find his keys. Once he dug them out of the recesses of his bag, he dangled them in midair, trying to one handedly shut the zip.

All of a sudden, he felt the keys drop and make a jingling sound. He picked them up and made for the keyhole when he heard a soft meow. Looking down, he spotted a small pink and blue cat. He watched it slightly cautiously as they made eye contact. In the second it took Jun to blink, the cat turned into a human. Too stunned to belive his eyes, Jun blinked multiple times and looked down into the now-human's sparkly, dark eyes.
"Are you a hybrid?" He simply blinked and cocked his head, indicating that he didn't understand.
"I don't speak well Korean." The soft, melodic voice broke the silence and Jun finally noticed the writing on the smaller boy's shirt. It was in mandarin - 'there is no way to be happy every day, but there is always a reason to be happy every day.' Jun smiled at the cute quote and proceeded talking to the boy in mandarin.
"What's your name?"
"Are you a hybrid?"
"Yes. But i dont know how I ended up here..." Jun chuckled as Minghao pouted cutely.
"Do you want to stay with me?"
"Really?" Minghao looked up at Jun, smiling from ear to ear.
"Sure. I live alone and I could use some company anyways. Cat, human or hybrid." He held out his hand to Minghao, who grabbed it and followed him inside.
"Uwaaa! This is so pretty and big!"
Jun stared at Minghao with adoration in his eyes. He may only have just met the hybrid, but he was already falling for him. Hard.

"Do you want some popcorn, Haohao?"
"Yes please Junnie." It was around eight and after lending Minghao some clothes and promising to go shopping the next day, they decided to watch a movie. Jun went to the kitchen and shoved a packet of popcorn into the microwave whilst Minghao picked a movie.
"Here you go Haohao," Jun said with a wink and a ruffle of the hybrid's candyfloss-like hair.
"Thank you. If it's okay, I chose 'My annoying brother'." Jun nodded and began the movie.

Over the course of the next one and a half hours, Minghao had unconsciously placed his legs over owner's lap and was huddled into his  chest, his arms wrapped around his waist.
"Why...why would you not tell him you have cancer?" He  sobbed and clutched Jun's t-shirt harder.
"It's okay, Minghao." Jun stroked Minghao's hair in an attempt to soother the younger. It worked - Minghao began nuzzling into his collarbone, putting whilst his tail softly thumped against the handle of the couch.

He was answered with a snore. Chuckling lightly, Jun picked up the now fast asleep Minghao and carried him bridal style to his bedroom. Placing Minghao down on his bed, he began thinking of places to sleep. After all, he didn't know whether or not the smaller would be comfortable with Jun sleeping next to him.

Suddenly, he heard a small whimper come from Minghao's lips. He watched as the younger tossed around, clutching the blanket so hard his knuckles were going white. His ears were flattened against his head and his tail was curled around his waist. Tears began streaming down Minghao's face and his fragile body began shaking in fear.

Worried for the hybrid, Jun climbed in next to him. In an effort to calm Minghao down, he huddled closer to the younger. Once Jun's arm was securely wrapped around the hybrid's waist and the other hand was running through his soft hair, Minghao stopped crying and held Jun closer. After making sure they were both comfortable, Jun whispered a goodnight and slept.


Opening his eyes, Jun saw Minghao hovering above him.

"Your alarm went off. I'm sorry if you wanted to sleep more. Are you still tired?"
"No, it's okay." Jun mumbled. Suddenly, the events of last night came back to him.
"Are you okay?"
"You were crying in your sleep yesterday, so I slept with you."
"Oh. Thank you!" Minghao smiled brightly and climbed off the bed. Jun smiled at his hybrid's cuteness.
"You can go take a bath and I'll find some clothes and a towel for you." Minghao nodded and headed into the toilet.

Five minutes later, Jun was smiling to himself whilst holding two pieces of clothing in his hands - a pastel pink hoodie and skinny black jeans. Hearing something coming from the toilet, Jun moved closer. It was singing. Angelic singing he never would have imagined could come from the beautiful hybrid, but when he thought about it again he found it perfectly plausible.

Lost in his voice,  Jun didn't notice when the door opened and Minghao stuck his head out.
"Um... Junnie? Can i have a towel?" Blushing slightly at his absent mindedness, Jun handed the towel to Minghao, who retreated back into the toilet. A few seconds later, Minghao came out, a towel wrapped around his waist, humming innocently.

Jun looked at the hybrid's dropping tail and soaked ears. However, he was shocked when he saw his slightly toned stomach and arm muscles. He placed the clothes on the bed and rushed out of the room before he began drooling or having a nosebleed. Minghao stood, slightly confused but proceeded to change.

"I made breakfast Haohao! I hope you like pancakes." Jun yelled as he heard the bedroom door open. He smiled as he heard Minghao's hurried footsteps as soon as he mentioned pancakes.
"I'm here! Thank you for lending me your clothes, they're really comfortable." Jun nodded and began flipping the pancakes, trying not to get too distracted by how adorable the boy looked in the slightly oversized sweater. Minghao clapped and cheered as Jun turned around, two plates piled with pancakes in both hands. They both ate merrily, stuffing huge pieces of pancake coated in chocolate into their mouths.

"Oh yeah! We need to go shopping. Finish and we'll go." Minghao nodded, finished his last bite and placed his plate in the kitchen sink.

"Is there anything you need apart from clothes?"
"Well... I need a collar. If you want me to stay with you, that is." When he got no reply, Minghao assumed the worst and his looked at the ground dejectedly. What he didn't expect, though, was for Jun to pull him into a warm hug and whisper in his ear.

"Of course I want you to stay with me."

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