Zuho x Reader (SF9) [1]

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HELLO!!!! I wanted to write an sf9 one shot because THERE AREN'T ENOUGH OUT THERE. Also I cried. Sf9's comeback was so gooooood ;___; I can't believe they've already released their third mini album ;___; I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE SHOT <3 (took me so long to realise that when people typed that it was meant to be a heart)
~ admin zuhoe;3


I walked down the school hall, standing out amongst the crowd. Over the holidays, I had decided to cut my hair. That on top of being non Korean earned me a few stares. Ignoring the judgemental people, I walked up to my locker. Hearing whispering behind me, I turned. As expected, Yoojung and her squad were standing there.

"What's up with you today? You look even stupider than usual. Seriously, you're never going to get a boy in this state." The whole corridor had gone quiet.

"What if I don't want to 'have a boy'?" She glared at me, annoyed at my indifference. Sending me one last dirty look, she sashayed away.

A sudden slam brought me to my senses. I saw a tall, lean figure retreating down the corridor, his hands in his pockets and his dark blue bag slung over one shoulder.


"I heard Poojung and her minions found you in the morning. What did she say?"

"She thaid I woulthn't geth a boy like this." I replied, my mouth stuffed with food.

"No wonder."
"What did you say?"
"Nothing." A few seconds of awkward silence. We looked each other in the eye and burst out laughing. I guess I never will be attractive as a woman. Who cares though? I have y/f/n anyways. She'll always be there for me.


"You WHAT?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n. He asked me out and he seems really nice and I couldn't say no." Sighing, I sat down.
"It's okay. I hope you have a good relationship. Fighting!" With that, I ended the call. Figuring I needed a walk to process the sudden turn of events (ie. Y/f/n dating someone), I slipped on my oversized hoodie and called my dog, Llama (a/n I've always wanted a dog called llama don't judge me). After attaching his leash, I opened the door and made my way to the park. I wonder if I'll be a third wheel now?Probably.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice a squirrel dash past Llama. Suddenly, I felt a tug on the leash and was pulled forwards. Screaming hysterically, I tried to bring my dog under control, when the leash slipped. I bumped into something hard and fell backwards.

"Are you okay?" I looked up and saw someone with silver hair looking down at me. Not grey, silver. I blushed slightly and nodded my head. He held out his hand and I cautiously took it. As I stood up, I observed him. He was quite good looking, actually. Somehow, he seemed kind of...familiar?

"Do I know you?" He chuckled at my words and shook his head.
"We go to the same school."
"Wahhh really? How come I never see you?"
"I tend to be...a little shy, I guess?" I giggled lightly and thanked him.

Hearing barking, I whipped around and saw my stupid yet adorable dog clawing and barking up a tree. Laughing, I thanked the boy and went to get my dog. Grabbing his collar, I turned around to ask the boy his name.

He wasn't there.


I spent half the night trying to recall if he said what his name was. I'm really very stupid to not have asked him. Wait, didn't he say we go to the same school? I'll ask him if I see him.

I set off to school with a mission in mind - find out 'mysterious boy's' name. He looked about sixteen, so he must be in the same year as me.

"Y/n-ah!" I turned around and saw my friend.
"Y/f/n! How are you?"
"Im good. I hope you're not mad about me going out with someone." Smiling at my friend's thoughtfulness, I shook my head.
"No, I'm not. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T DITCH ME FOR HIM! But I'm happy for you."

Shaking her head and laughing and my sudden outbreak of weirdness, she hugged me. I remembered the events of yesterday and proceeded to tell her about them.


"Oh, so you want to find out his name?"
"Yeah. He seemed nice. And I didn't get a chance to introduce myself either." Beaming at your best friend, you said goodbye to her and walked back to your class.

Upon entering, you noticed a navy blue bag sitting on a table, right at the back. Curious about whether there was someone behind it, you walked towards the table. As you got closer, you saw a flash of silver hair and brown eyes poke from over the top of the bag.

"Excuse me? Are you - YOU'RE THE GUY FROM YESTERDAY!" He sheepishly smiled and nodded his head lightly.
"I never got to ask you your name. I'm y/n, by the way."
"Oh... my name's Zuho."
"I hope we can be friends, Zuho." You held out your hand and he took it. You blushed slightly at how warm and soft his hands were. Smiling brightly at him, you stepped past him and placed your bag on the table next to his. He gave you a small smile back and you felt your heart skip a beat.


Lessons went past in a flash due to you sitting next to Zuho, and it was lunch. Excusing yourself, you went to the toilet. As you were walking to the canteen, you realised you had left your bag in your classroom. Sighing at your stupidity, you walked back to retrieve it.

Your heart sank a little bit as you went into the classroom, not able to find Zuho. Thinking that he may be in the canteen, you ran there and scanned the crowd. Disappointed once more, you let a small groan scape your lips.

Then you saw a navy blue bag retreating up the stairs, to the roof of the school building. Not wanting to lose sight of him, you sprinted across the canteen and up the stairs. Pushing open the door to the roof, you beamed as Zuho turned around in shock. Panting slightly, you walked towards him.

"Want to have lunch together?"
"Sure!"Giggling at his enthusiastic response, you let him lead you to a bench on the other side of the roof. You both sat down and opened your bags. You smacked your palm against your head as you realised that you had forgotten to buy something for lunch.

"What happened?"
"I...forgot to buy lunch."
"What were you doing?"
"...looking for you." Zuho's cheeks went slightly pink at your words. He opened up his lunchbox, revealing kimchi, ramen and some bibimbap. He had his chopsticks in one hand and turned to face you. Picking up a bit of the food, he moved the chopsticks towards your mouth. Heart racing and mind spinning, you opened your mouth wide and let Zuho feed you. He hummed happily as you ate.

Maybe you had a crush. Maybe he liked you back.

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