Niall POV
"And that is why I love them"
I finished typing, added a picture and pressed the "post" button on tumblr.
Exiting out of the tab, I checked the time. 2:55. 5 more minuets until me and the boys have our daily ichat meeting. I think thats a good ammount of time to grab a few snacks. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the can of sour cream and onion pringles from the island counter, A few candy bars from my stash in the back of the cupboard and pepsi from the fridge.
I looked at the clock once again. 2:59 .
Holy mother of fudge nuggets!
I grabbed everything on the counter and held onto it for dear life. Bolting up the stairs, I missed a step causing me to smack my forehead on the floor. I ignored the throbbing pain in my arms and legs and picked myself up and hurried into the bedroom.
'ichat request from 'zayn''
Throwing all the food on my bed and pressing down on the mouse hard to accept the video call.
"Ayy!" Zayns voice echoed in my room as his face appeared on my laptop screen. I waved and opened up the pringles can. "Where are the others" I questioned, shoving a few chips in my mouth. He shrugged then laughed. "Whats so funny?" He shifted in his chair and waved his phone in the air. "Nothing just a funny joke from the girls last interview"
'Liam would like to join your ichat'
The message read across my screen. I clicked accept and two seconds later a box appeared on the screen with Liam waving. "Hello boys!" he smiled and fixed the straps of his hoodie. "Oh Louis wants to join!" Zayn jumped up and then accepted louis request. Another box popped up showing Louis's room but no Louis, "Where is he?" Liam asked. All the sudden Louis jumps up and yells "Ello Mates!" Zayn screams as his chair flys backwards.
All of us except Zayn laughed uncontrolably from what had just happened. "Its not funny" Zayn protested. "You should have seen your face!" Liam cried. "Finally! Harry we have been waiting forever" Louis whines sarcasticly. Harry Laughed as he waved to the rest of us.
So you're probably wondering. "Niall why don't you just go visit or walk to their house?" Well guess what? I live in Ireland while they live in England. Zayn and Louis live near each other while Liam and Harry Live near each other. I am all alone. I guess you could say they are my internet bestfriends?
Who am I kidding? They're my only friends!
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Louis gasping "Whats Wrong?" I asked, obviously confused.
"Lauren is doing a follow spree!" As soon as Louis said that, everyone turned into an animal, grabbing their phones and opening the twitter app.
"It's spamming time" Harry smirked. I quickly compose a tweet mentioning @LaurenB300 and including the hashtag #followmelauren .
-15 minutes go by-
"Gah! This is so intense" Zayn yells shaking his phone. I was practically sweating. Checking my notifications every other minute. Following sprees are so intense and nerve racking. Some people were helping and spamming lauren telling her to follow me. I've been at this for about fifteen minutes already.
'@LaurenB300; Continue tweeting me using the #FollowMeLauren, Im trying to follow as many of you as I can!"
Sure your gonna follow people, just not me!

FanfictionWhat if One Direction wasn't famous and were actually the fangirls...or should I say fanboys? They do all the things fanboys do like have a twitter, a vine, Instagram, all honoring their favorite band, Below 300 -which includes Ellen, Lauren, Faith...