Wishful thinking

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-Zayn Pov-

Beep beep beep beep.

My alarm clock shook, filling my ears with its awful noise. A whine escaped my lips as I slammed my fist down on the snooze button. I pushed myself up and laid against my head board and pulled my iPhone off its charger and entered my password. Clicking on the twitter Icon, my feed was filled with pictures from the concert last night. I wish I had gone, my birthday is in a few days. Who knows?

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and hoped off. Walking into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. I turned on the shower to heat it up. Picking up my phone and opened up my messages. I clicked on me and the boys group chat and entered a new message.

'Have you guys seen the concert photos yet?'

I set my phone down and stepped into the shower. I quickly washed my hair and body, singing a few songs. My alert on my phone go off signaling that I had gotten a message. It went off again, more messages. Sighing to myself , I turned off the shower and stepped out , coveringmy waist in a towel. I clicked the 'on' button and music started to play through my room.

I pulled out a grey shirt with a NASA logo, black jeans, and a pair of vans. I styled my hair up into a quiff and put in my black earings. I picked up my phone and opened my messages again, seeing that it had about 15 new messages.

(a/n, just doing this since there texting)

Liam: Yea, they are all over twitter, the girls look amazing.

Harry: There is this really cool one I found of Lauren and she looks perfect.

Louis: Well Ellen on the drums, there are a whole bunch of videos on youtube.

Liam: I wish we could go to a concert.

Louis: The fact that they are coming to my town in two weeks and I don't have tickets upsets me.

Niall: Same.

I sat down on my bed and opened my laptop, turning it on. I entered a message and sent it,

Me: Well you never know, we have entered so many contest.

Setting my phone next to my laptop and plugging it into my laptop, I clicked the Internet browser and opened up twitter and a website I use to download music. Music started to play from my speakers, more specific "Young and Wild" by Below 300. The Skype tab at the bottom of my screen flashed and I clicked it with my mouse.

Liam Payne would like to video chat.

I accepted and Liam's face appeared on the screen. "Lee lee!" I yelled, he was looked down at his phone. He looked up and smiled, waving to me. He had a grey sleeveless tee and a red snapback. "Hey Zayn" he laughed. I wanted to meet him in person, like really badly. I huffed and frowned, The thought of meeting him seemed amazing but also sad.

"Whats wrong?" He sat up on his bed, a concerned look on his face. "Nothing" I mumbled. "Yea right. I'd know that look anywhere" He smiled. "I want to meet you like so badly" I stated, letting out another huff. "Me too!" he exclaimed and moved his camera. "Hopefully we will meet soon" He grabbed a bag from his side table and then set it back.

We talked for about another half an hour then he had to go with his parents somewhere. I opened my door and grabbed my phone from my bed and shoved it in my pocket. I exited my room only to be pushed by my sister. I grumbled and rubbed my stomach.

I quickly ran down the stairs, seeing my mother. "Hey mom" I sighed and sat down on a stool. "Hello dear, how are you this morning?" she asked, her hands swirled as she mixed the pancake batter. "A bit sad actually," I frown. "And why is that ?" her accent thick, "I want to go to a concert and I want to meet the boys" I shrug as my mother puts two pancakes on my plate.

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