ending +

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i did intend to make this story's ending to be open-ended, which isn't the usual/ typical 'perfectly tied' ending (that answers all the reader's questions 'bout the story itself)

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i did intend to make this story's ending to be open-ended, which isn't the usual/ typical 'perfectly tied' ending (that answers all the reader's questions 'bout the story itself)

instead, as y'all read - the ending's last scene was quite vague, i did not specifically pointed out what exactly happened to jimin, but instead left it open to your very own imagination.

how you predict the ending/ what you imagine it to be will be your own version of ending. say if you wanna end it tragically, you'll see the last scene to be the collision of jin's pink car and the approaching vehicle, and vice versa for a happy ending.

SAFETY FIRST, amirite? I wrote this short story to raise awareness 'bout the texting/ calling while driving.

well, it's actually alright if you do this (texting/ calling while driving) BUT know that you must be aware that what you're doing is RISKY especially if your speeding (too) fast. texting/ calling while driving is a huge DISTRACTION that can only lead you towards danger. (this doesn't only apply to texting/ calling but also to other possible distractions)

its fine if you do so for emergency reasons but you have to be extremely careful, okay?

im calling out to all of you who does this/ or who's thinking of doing it in the future. safety first, always be careful, okay? there are people around you who loves, cares for you and can't bare to lose you, so always be careful and try not to sit at the edge of a sharp knife, okay?

author/ jimin.

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