Chapter three- Stun gun

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"So can you describe what she looked like?" Joyce asked one of the witnesses at the station. She sat next to Leroy, facing the witness across from the table with only a microphone that was recording the whole thing and Joyce's notepad on the table.

"She was young." The witness nodded to herself. She was a thin elderly woman that was wearing three layers of clothes because she was apparently cold when Joyce and Leroy were dying from the heat. "And she had a tattoo on her face." Her false teeth moved as she spoke. "I bet she will regret that when she's my age." She laughed and put a hard sweet in her mouth.

"Can you describe the tattoo?" Leroy asked as Joyce debated writing down on her notepad what the woman had just said, as it was the exact same thing the last three witnesses said.

"It was strange, just lines on her cheek. It kind of looked like it was a child's drawing." She pulled on her cardigan so it covered her more.

"Did you recognise her in any way, like you've seen her before?" Joyce asked her as the woman swished the sweet around in her mouth, hitting it against different corners of her mouth.

"No. I'm an old woman, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning." She pouted as she pat the back of her short hair, checking that it was still holding in place from the hairspray she had used earlier that morning.

"Okay, I don't think we have any more questions for you." Leroy sighed and looked over at Joyce who was fed up of the woman's voice already.

"Do you have anything else you would like to tell us before you go?" Leroy asked tapping his foot under the table.

"I hope you find that girl and punish her for what she did, she had no right to put herself above the law like that, not that the bastard didn't deserve it." The woman growled, showing her fake teeth like an aggressive dog, while trying to keep the sweet from falling out of her mouth.

"Well I better be off, don't want to be late for bingo." She suddenly changed her tone to the sweet old woman she was before and stood up.

"Have a good day." Leroy said to her as Joyce switched off the microphone.

"You too lovely's." She said as she hobbled over to the door and left.

"That woman is insane." Joyce laughed but was a little scared that the woman would hear her and come barging back in.

"How many left?" Leroy asked slouching on his chair and stretching his legs out under the table.

"Two." Joyce said pointing to the two names left on her notepad just as the door swung open and one of the officers that worked there stumbled in.

"The Captain wants you in his office now." The officer said, still holding onto the handle and standing in the way of the door.

"Okay." Leroy said jumping to his feet, egger to leave the small room.

"Can it wait? We still have two more witnesses to interview, it shouldn't take long." Joyce said, refusing to stand up as Leroy stood next to the officer at the door, putting his hands on his hips in frustration that she could be bothered with listening to the same story another two times.

"He said that's its important." The officer said and Leroy signalled for her to get up. So she did, slowly putting her notepad in her pocket as she did.

They walked out the small room, Joyce following Leroy as he followed the officer in a single line, mimicking what the person in front of them did.

"Allen." Leroy shouted to Officer Allen while he was walking towards him.

"I have a first name you know." He moaned as none of them even slowed down.

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