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Oops I lied I was tagged whaaaaa

I'll be killed for some of these 13 facts butttttt

Tagged by nonbinary_pancake11

1) Les Mis ismyfavoritemusicalsorry

2) I has glasses, brown hair, and Hazel eyes

3) I'm seeing Hamilton today (9-10-17)

4) I live in the United States

5) My middle name is Julia

6) My first name starts with A (y'all can guess if you don't know me in reAL LIFE)

7) My last name is a color (DON'T YALL SAY IT IF YOU KNOW IT if you don't know me you can guess)

8) I'm a Slytherin with pride

9) I've never listened to Heathers (although I know what it's about and what each song is about), DEH, Wicked, the Great Comet, etc...

10) My pen name is either ESH and another account (not set up yet) Angela Neptune

11) I was born in/on Neptune...see if y'all can figure this one out 😏

12) My favorite artist aside from Showtunes is Daya (I love all her songs and I've even listened to the secret ones found only in the Target CD)

13) One of my first favorite books ever is The Boundless (read it it's good)

That's all about me

Ahhh don't kill me if I tag you
Tagging some awesome peoples that I'd like to know more about

JiggyMcRibs  (AHHH IM SORRY)

_Hamil_Trash_ (your art is too amazing sORRY)

magiCath_394  (hehehe you probably expected me to tag you sorry 😂)

Hermione-Leia (heyooo I gotta tag all my ghost besties right sOrRy)

mabel_lover10 (your art is too awesome also sorRY!!)

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