To freeze a warm heart

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Areana woke up early hours in the morning just staring at the window of the hotel room, her heart numb and her pride bruised. Everyone back home must have known, especially the pack. Rosalie has tried to talk to her but right now she just needs to be left alone in her own thoughts. Even as they get on the private plane to head back to Forks Areana doesn't utter a word. Edward can't hear her thoughts, Jasper can't feel her emotions and Alice can't see into her future. Areana is well and truly broken. The whole flight she just stares out of the window not wanting to talk or look at anyone. Even Areana doesn't know how she feels, her body is completely shut down. Once where her heart filled with love was is now a big void. Bella looks to Edward sympathy on her face.

"Is she going to be okay?"
"I'm not sure. Her and Sam have a powerful, bond right now she feels betrayed by him and those close to her. It is like she has shut everyone out."
Bella gives her one last look and sees a single tear fall down her face and fall onto her top. Bella knows Areana doesn't like her but right now she knows what she is going through it was what she was like when Edward left.

The plane lands late evening in Seattle and the Cullen's make there way to the exit. When they see Sam stood there looking torn they look at Areana. Areana doesn't say a word to anyone she walks past them all including Sam and heads for the nearest woods and runs home. Sam looks at the Cullen's, Rosalie growling at him.

"Rose I didn't cheat on her. After you guys left Leah and Seth both phased, Leah knew it was Areana on the phone and said that to wind her up."

"Why should i believe you. Look at the state of her she has completely shut down Sam. She hasn't spoken to any of us, eaten or even told us to shut up. She is dead inside and it is all because you broke her heart."
Rosalie walks away from him followed by Emmett, Jasper and Alice. Edward looks to Sam.

"You need to do it and fast."
"I had it all planned. Bloody Leah ruins everything."
"Go to her Sam."
Sam just nods and follows them out of the airport. One way or another he is getting her back.

Areana arrives home to a house full of people, the pack all look at her and when Paul goes to talk to her she pushes him out of the way heading for her room. She closes the door and puts the bottle of bourbon down and turns her music up, Fifth Harmonys he like that blaring through the house. Billy, Jake and Paul sigh.

"How we going to attack this?"
"I don't think we can. If we don't try though she will be gone by morning."
Leah looks at them confused.

"What do you mean?"
Jake growls and looks at her with so much hatred if looks could kill, Leah would be dead by now.

"This is what happened the last time you fucked with my sister. Your a real bitch you know that. What because everyone likes her more than they do you you think it's okay to hurt her. Why don't you try not being a bitch then people actually might want to talk to you."
"I was only joking...."
"Leah that girl has loved only one person her whole life. They are soul mates and you have just killed my daughter. Don't stand there saying you were joking. I hope for your sake she comes back to us the last time she left she got turned into what she is and it is all because of you and Sam."
Leah puts her head down and shame rakes through her body. She sighs and walks to Areana's bedroom. Taking a breath for encouragement she knocks the door then opens it. Areana turns to looks at her, her eyes black. Before Leah can react or defend herself Areana has her by the hair dragging her back through the Black residence. Paul, Jake and Billy saying oh shit. Areana drags her outside and throws her across the dirt road, Sam pulling up to see Areana in a raging mood. Leah stands up, fear on her face.

"Areana i am sorry. Nothing happened i swear Sam was helping me because i phased. I knew you were on the phone and wanted to wind you up so i said that. We were all sat around the table with the council there i promise."
"Knuckles she is telling the truth. We would all know if Sam cheated on you."
Areana doesn't listen to a word they are saying she stares at Leah with cold black eyes. Leah knows that the once kind and caring Areana is not stood in front of her right now and that thought alone scares her.

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