Wedding Bells

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Areana is currently sat at the kitchen table with Emily, Kim and Leah waiting for the boys to return on news regarding Jacob. This morning Billy rang upset wanting to know if they had heard any more on the missing Black. As Areana sits there she can feel her anger getting the better of her, it is time Bella paid. Standing up she grabs her car keys and rushes out of the house. Leah running after her but Areana is way to fast and is speeding out of the reservation before Leah can do anything.

The Cullen's are all in the garden setting up for the wedding when they hear a car screeching to a stop, Bella gulps when she sees a very pissed off Areana. They all go to her to see what has her so riled but Bella has a feeling she knows already.

"In what fucking universe do you think it is okay to send a god damn wedding invite to the guy you have strung along?. What did you want to rub it in his face? Getting him nearly killed wasn't enough for you, you just had to stick one more knife into my brother."
"It wasn't like that. i just..."
"Just what? Wanted to have Jacob there so you would feel less guilty, you may have everyone else fooled but i can see right through you. You stay the hell away from my family do you understand?"
Bella nods not wanting to anger the girl anymore than she already is. The truth is Areana is right. Bella wanted him there mainly to ease her guilt.

"Good because you have clearly chosen so stick to it. You can't have both choices Bella it doesn't work like that."
"I am sorry i really am."
"If you were sorry you would leave him alone. My dad is broken up because of you, you haven't just ruined my brothers life Bella you have ruined mine too."
Areana drops the invite on the floor and walks away. Alice bends down and picks it up before turning to Bella.

"It will be fine i promise."
"She is right. I shouldn't of done it i knew that it would hurt him."

Alice embraces Bella hoping that things will work out and soon. Not that she is holding her breath because Areana doesn't seem like the type to say something and then just take it back. Plus Alice knows that there are other reasons Areana wants Jake back home.

Areana makes it back into the house to see the pack there and Emily making food. As soon as she smells the Bacon she feels that familiar feeling and races passed everyone and heading for the bathroom. Sam following her with a bottle of water. He crouches down and holds back her hair as the morning sickness washes over her.

"Baby we may have to start telling people, the pack are worried your sick."
Areana finishes and flushes the toilet, she then stands and smiles at Sam who places a hand on her Belly. She places her hand on top of his, the love consuming them both.

"We need to tell my dad first though babe."
"Lets go then."
Sam takes her hand into his and they tell the pack and imprints they wont be long. All the way to the house they are talking about the up coming wedding of Bella and Edward. Sam laughing when she admits that she went over there. They get to Billy's five minutes later and find Billy sat reading the paper.

"Hi Dad."
Areana goes and kisses him, Sam giving him a hand shake. The couple take a seat and Sam takes Areanas hand giving it a squeeze.

"Dad me and Sam have something to tell you, it is nothing bad. Well Dad your going to be a grandfather."
Billy looks from the one to the other in shock and then the biggest grin spreads across his face. He tells Areana to go to him and embraces her instantly. Then he goes to Sam shaking his hand.

"I am so happy right now. How far along are you?"
"I am 3 months Dad. We wanted you to know before we told anyone else."

"I am so happy right now. Congratulations both of you."

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