Come Alone

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I felt my tears slide down from my cheeks, wiping them off with my sleeve I stained it with the mascara I had earlier put on. I made sure not to stain her favourite blanket holding it tight into my chest.

"Kyle, give it to mommy", I heard Sasha say between sobs. Sasha wasn't good at showing emotions so when I heard her sobbing it's like Kylie was really gone.

"No, mommy. Mine!", Kyle answered back. As he spoke I heard a voice. The voice of the devil herself.

"Those are my terms", I stood up quickly and replayed not taking it away from Kyle's hands.

"By now you already know I've taken Kylie. So I know dumb Danielle will be willing to co operate. Obviously if she doesn't, I'll slit Kylie's head open. I know such violent words to do to a baby. YOU DID THIS TO ME! And you'll pay even if it's the last thing I do. Go to Westside Wolks inside the rundown school. Come Alone. No Weapons. No Ramon, well at least not yet. Don't even dare try something because I've got cameras everywhere the minute u make a move, You can bury your daughter's slit open head."

I tried not to cry but I broke down I couldn't function I fell into Ramon's arms sobbing. "She has Kylie, She has our baby" I wiped my black tears and hugged Sasha, Kyle and Scott. I then kissed Ramon. Don't come looking for me. Don't call. I put my phone on the floor and stood on it as hard as I can. Sasha, fill my mom in. Tell her I love her same for everyone else. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door before Ramon came running.

I drove there rapidly running red lights, swerving lanes. I wanted to be there as quick as possible. I arrived there and put my keys in my shoe before exiting I ran into the big moldy school doors "Kylie?"

"Put the keys in the first locker" I heard the voice say from the school intercom. After putting it in I heard it again.

"Now find me.", I ran through the hallways searching everywhere for Kylie. I ran to the last room which I believed was the principal's office, where she had been speaking on the intercom. I kicked the door open knocking it off it's hinges. Then I saw her face for a brief second before I found myself stuck in what looked like a small janitor's room. I waited for her voice, not hearing a thing minutes turned to hours. And my stomach growled in pain from the lack of food not able to cry no more I buried my head into my knees it's like I had run out of tears.

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