Cloudy Day - LadyNoir/Adrienette

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"Hey! Ladybug! Wait up!" Cat Noir called as the slender girl swung away. "I have something to tell you!"

"Of course you do, Cat," Ladybug grumbled as she jumped across rooftops. Turning back toward her partner, she called, "What is it, kitty?"

Cat landed next to Ladybug and adopted a swaggering pose. "So, m'lady, I wanted to say—" He never got the chance to finish, as a high-pitched shout interrupted him.

"I am Cloudy Day," a girl shrouded in fog purred, riding a cloud toward the duo. "I have the power to create fog whenever I like!"

Ladybug and Cat Noir watched in dismay as she cloaked an intersection in impossibly thick fog, causing quite a few horns to honk indignantly. With an evil giggle, Cloudy Day turned back to face the superheroes. "My umbrella can create any fog, as thick as I want it. And you two will be my next victims!" She pointed the tip of her umbrella at the two, but they dodged quickly and escaped the fog.

"Who are you really?" Ladybug stammered, a bit shaken.

"I used to be Mirielle Caquet, KIDZ+ Weather Forecaster. But then Aurore Beauréal—" she spat the name out, disgusted—"had to go and steal my position! I'm out for her now, and especially you two and your Miraculous!" Cloudy Day roared and created more fog, which again was dodged by Ladybug and Cat Noir.

"The akuma must be in her umbrella," Ladybug realized, prodding her partner and showing him. She didn't use her time wisely, though—another blast of umbrella sent them tumbling backward, just missing a volley of fog bombs.

Cat pulled his partner behind a chimney. "How are we going to stop her?" he whispered frantically. "She can shroud us in fog whenever she wants. No matter how purr-fect we are, I don't think we'll be enough to defeat her clouds."

"I can use my lucky charm," Ladybug suggested. Then she noticed a huge wall of fog enveloping all of Paris—and heading straight for her and her Cat. "Cat, look!" She pointed out the clouds. "I think I'll have to; we don't have much time left."

"Lucky Charm!" she yelled, tossing her yo-yo in the air. A couple seconds later, a bag of marbles landed in her hands. "Huh? What am I supposed to do with this?" she pondered. Then her mind got to work. Hmm. Oh! Chimney, Cloudy Day, marbles! She jumped on top of the chimney, despite Cat Noir's attempts to pull her back down.

"Hey Cloudy Day! Sorry to trip you up, but..." Opening the pouch, she spilled the contents on the flat roof, sending them rolling toward the villain. "Oopsie-daisy! Well, I guess we'll just have to win now," she noted, scratching her chin and shooting a smirk toward Cloudy Day.

The foggy girl squeaked as she fell to the ground, her umbrella tumbling out of her hands and into the outstretched paws of Cat Noir.

"Cataclysm!" he shouted. His paw began to shoot off black sparks, which he swiped across the umbrella. A small black-and-purple moth shot out, and was sucked toward Ladybug's open yo-yo.

"Time to de-evilize!" The moth was captured in the yo-yo, which shut around it. Ladybug then opened the yo-yo, whispering, "Bye, bye, little butterfly." Finally, to complete the healing, she threw her bag of marbles in the air and yelled, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

A pink stream dissolved the clouds and repaired the broken cars that had crashed in the fog. Finally, Cloudy Day was transformed back into Mirielle Caquet. "What happened?" she mumbled, probably wondering why she was sitting on a rooftop.

"Don't worry, I can get you down," Ladybug assured her, grabbing the girl in her arms and using her yo-yo to swing down to the ground. She gently dropped Mirielle, earning a "Thanks, Ladybug!" and a wave as the former weather forecaster skipped away cheerily.

"Nice job, m'lady." Ladybug jumped as she heard the voice of Cat Noir behind her.

"Stop surprising me like that!" she said indignantly. Cat just shrugged, a smirk on his face.

"Anyway, remember what I had to tell you?" he asked the bug, who nodded. "I'll tell you somewhere secret. Let's go!"

Ladybug followed Cat to the Hotel Bourgeois. They slipped through the kitchen doors and stopped in an abandoned closet.

"What is it, Cat?" Ladybug asked him. Suddenly, she heard a small beep on her ear. "Oh, wait, I'll change back soon. Bug out!" She turned to go, before she felt a paw on her shoulder.

"Ladybug, wait! This is what I wanted to tell you—I think it's time we discover each other's identities." Cat Noir's expression looked so pleading that Ladybug had to relent.

"Okay, fine," she muttered, and was interrupted by a beep from Cat's ring.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Shut up," he told it, earning a giggle from Ladybug.

Then they both got loud, indignant notifications from both ring and earring—warnings that this was the last time they'd get before they changed back. "Moment of truth," Cat murmured, glancing nervously at Ladybug.

Finally, Ladybug transformed into Marinette Dupain-Cheng, at the same time as Cat Noir transforming into Adrien Agreste. Both caught their breath and Marinette suddenly became a whole lot more nervous.

"Wha-what?" Marinette stuttered, amazed. "It's y-you?"

Adrien smiled. "Yeah. And you?"

"Yuh, meah. I mean, um, yeah," she replied shakily. "So all this time, you were Cat Noir, and I didn't even think about it..." She trailed off.

"What, you mean you didn't even consider me?" Adrien mock-gasped. "I'm offended."

Marinette giggled a bit, but then flushed. "Um, Adrien, I wanted to tell you something...I, uh, like you." She squeaked and hid her face behind her hands, only peeking out when she heard Adrien chuckle softly.

"Well, isn't that ironic—I like Ladybug! Therefore, I like you too." He smiled and took her hands. "The relationship with Chloé is something my dad set up months ago. Honestly, I despise her," Adrien sighed, rolling his eyes. "She's over-the-top and a bully. I'd much rather be with you."

Marinette squealed again, and for the first time, grinned. "Shall we make it official now, kitty?"

"Of course, m'lady." With that, he opened the closet door and they walked out hand-in-hand. Together.

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