Chapter One

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Ok, this is my first fanfic/story. So don't judge. Enjoy! -pip p.

                 I woke up, opening my eyes. I sat up slowly, groggily rubbing my eyes. It had been a late night, as it always was. It had been a Wraith, definitely not my preference, for its appearance was never pleasing to the eye. But, I am an agent, and it's our job to dispose of the ghosts that haunt London's streets at night. Well, perhaps dispose of is the wrong word to use. See, if we only could contain the ghosts! Then we would be able to communicate, ask questions, discover how to stop the Problem... But no. Of course not. Lockwood would never agree, all the other agencies would declare me insane. I, of course, agreed with them. You can't mess around when it comes to ghosts. Lockwood's sister had definitely proven this. 

                 I stepped out of my warm bed unwillingly. But it was almost noon, and I still hadn't gotten my doughnut. I quickly got dressed in my usual outfit; black t-shirt, leggings, skirt.  I brushed my messy brown bob hurriedly, eager to get my breakfast. I was just about to head downstairs when I heard a voice coming from behind me. 

                "Ooh, Lucy! Forgetting something?" 

                I groaned, knowing exactly who it was.  I stopped in the attic doorway, regrettably turning around. "What? What exactly am I forgetting?" I asked, exasperated.

                "You're forgetting me, of course!"

                I marched over to my windowsill, where the skull in the jar was perched. I could see it's gruesome face smiling at me. The green ectoplasm glowed. The skull and I had a rocky relationship. It was always annoying, always suggesting new ways to murder my fellow co-workers. Honestly, I wish I could go bury it in a hole as I'd promised to do multiple times. At other times, it was honest and ended up saving me from unwanted death.

              I glared at the skull. "What do you want?" I asked impatiently.

              The skull attempted to look innocent, which was not an easy task for a ghost. "What makes you say I want anything?"

             "Oh, you always want something one way or another." I said, thoroughly annoyed.

             "Hmph. I just want to talk Lucy. Don't you understand? You must get pretty lonely not having any friends and all..." 

             I was taken aback by this comment, angered at the Skull's words. "I have plenty of friends! George, Lockwood, Holly! I would even go as far to say Flo!" I defended.

              The skull scoffed. "Cubbins? A friend? That little torturer and you bicker all the time! And Holly, really Lucy? You know you truly hate her. You should really use my coat-hanger suggestion. If you did, Holly wouldn't be a threat to you and you could have Lockwood all for yourself!"            

               I scoffed. "For the last time, murdering Holly will not happen! She's nice now, remember?  And what do you mean by having Lockwood all for myself?

               "Oh, nothing, nothing. Go have breakfast. Torture Holly for me." And with that, it disappeared into the ectoplasm. I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs.

                As I entered the kitchen, I could hear the tea brewing. Good, I was in need of a good cup of tea. I looked at the kitchen table, where the Thinking Cloth was. And on top, were the plate full of doughnuts. Well, not completely full, Lockwood and George had already eaten but they had saved a few for me. I grabbed a napkin, too lazy to use a plate, and scooped up two doughnuts. Hungrily, I dug in and scanned the Thinking Cloth for any notes. I saw George had attempted to draw the Wraith from the previous night, but failed to do it well. I grabbed a pen and started to draw, trying to correct his mistakes.

                After finishing my doughnuts, I made a cup of tea and headed downstairs to the office. From the stairs, I could hear the swishing of a rapier slicing the air. I looked to see Lockwood holding his rapier, attacking Floating Joe, a dummy that we used for rapier practice. He didn't have his coat on, he never did when he practiced. He brow was slick with sweat, his pale face flushed. His dark hair was swept back, his dark eyes eyeing Floating Joe, his opponent. He slashed and swiped a new maneuver that I hadn't seen him perform before, but effectively ended with his rapier skewing Floating Joe in the chest. 

               He stopped and set his rapier on his desk that was covered with papers, files and old magazines. He started rolling down his sleeves, they had been at his elbows whenever he practiced. "Hey, Luce. George's at the archives. We've got an important case tonight, according to our client, it's more difficult than most of our cases." He flashed me a grin, revealing pearly white teeth.

             I smiled. "Aren't they all?" 

             He laughed softly. "Well, this client insists that this case should be our top priority. She's coming in at 1:00, George should be back by then. Holly's got more details about it. I believe she's upstairs cleaning up George's room. If that's possible. Oh! And she wanted me to mention to you that she folded your laundry and would put them up for you." I nodded, accepting the news. Honestly, I was sort of glad Holly did my laundry for me, even if I were perfectly capable of doing it myself. It was a nice and considerate thing she did, considering I barely had anytime for anything but work. 

          "Ok. Wonderful. Lockwood, what was that rapier maneuver that you just did?" I asked, instantly curious. 

           "Oh, that?" He asked. "That's just something I've made up. It hasn't really got a name or anything. Would you like me to teach you?" 

            I nodded, eager to learn. I grabbed my rapier from a nearby bench and advanced towards Lady Esmeralda. From memory I tried to copy Lockwood's moves. What was it? A slash to the left or right? I couldn't recall. 

           "No, no, Luce. It's a slash to the right, then you step to the left, slash left, circle around and stab." Unexpectedly, he grabbed my wrists and performed the sequence with me in his arms. With our bodies pressed together, we moved naturally as one, completing the sequence successfully stabbing Lady Esmeralda in the chest. 

              He stepped away from me, smiling. "There you go, Luce! See you're a natural!" He complimented. I could feel my cheeks flush and a warm sensation flooded over my body, this always happened when Lockwood praised me.

               I was just about to express my gratitude, when George emerged at the top of the stairs.

               "Guys. You have to come and see what I've found." 

So... How'd you like it? I'd love to know, just comment below! Should I continue this? By the way, I may not update for a few days, but I have a good reason! The 5th book, The Empty Grave comes out tomorrow! Technically, tomorrow I guess. Anyways, I'm sooo excited!!!! Hopefully Locklye will happen...or Cubbones? Oh, well, guess I'll have to wait and see!!! -- Agent Pipes65

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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