1. Rainy day

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1 Year Later

Hoseok POV:

"I'll be your waiter today. My name is Hoseok. How may I help you?" I ask the man who's face is covered with a mask and a hat.

The smell of rain that traveled into the small restuarant was being over taken by the smell of food except for in this corner where it was the opposite. It smelled so good, I thought I would get myself lost in the scent.

The costumer closed the menu and handed it to me. "One order of dumpling soup."

"Anything to drink?"

"Hot black coffee." He replied and I wrote it down heading back to the kitchen where I set the paper up on one of the hooks.

It was a slow day as the rain hit the windows and the music was heard. Only a few tables taken by quiet customers. I took a deep breath then got a cup and pored black coffee in it. I then walked back to the stranger and sat his cup down as he stared out the window.

I walked to the long counter and sat down moving my feet in a circular motion to try and ease the pain as I had been standing almost all day. Surprisingly people really like to eat at small restaurants when it rains.

"Order up for dumpling soup." I turned around and picked up the tray and walked to the customer who covered himself.

"Here is your order of dumpling soup. If you need anything else just call for me." I smiled ignoring the pain in my feet. As I was about to walk away he asked me a question causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Why is there vanilla in my coffee?"

"I'm sorry sir but I didn't add vanilla."

"Then where is the smell coming from?" His head moved up to see me and his youthful face came into view. He looked sickly then he began to cough turning his head to the side. It sounded like a bad cough. I could even feel that itching sensation in my throat.

"I guess my perfume is too strong then." My scent was becoming too strong now. My wolf was desperate to find his mate but I didnt know who it was. I had no clue on how to find him or her. He just kept whining in my head and I couldn't think

"You wear vanilla perfume?"

"Y-yes. I like the smell more than musky scents." My wolf began to whimper from loneliness as it had been doing once everyday. I ignored him trying to listen to the customer. My scent was too strong that now even regular humans can smell it being less than 2 feet away.

"I see." The customer nodded his head and I walked away. Sitting down in a booth and taking in a deep breath. I only have an hour to go before my shift ends.


Yoongi POV:

He smells so good. I can smell him even though I can't breath properly. Is he human or a wolf? Damn I can smell his sent from here.

My wolf began to whimper at the sweet scent of vanilla. I liked it too and he seemed to want to continue smelling it closer.

"Why is there vanilla in my coffee?" I blurted out as I was curious as to how he smelled so good.

"I'm sorry sir but I didn't add vanilla."

"Then where is the smell coming from?" I looked up at him. his features coming into view a pretty person with tan skin.

"I guess my perfume is too strong then."

"You wear vanilla perfume?"

"Y-yes. I like the smell more than musky scents."

"I see." I nodded my head and realized that he was human and most likely not my mate. I wouldn't want to have a human as a mate anyways. His perfume must be really strong if I can smell it while I'm getting over a cold.

I watched him turn around and walk to a booth. His legs and his ass are so nice. Fuck why do I have to be horny when I'm sick? Eat. Eat. Eat.

I tried to focus on eating but my whimpering wolf and hormones weren't helping as my eyes kept wondering up to the waiter who took my order. He starred out of the window then rested his head at the top of the booth.
He's new. I haven't seen him before. The ugly bitch must've quite.

Finally the waiter who had taken my order turned around and noticed that I had finished and walked towards me.

"Is there anything else you would like?"

"Are you single?"

"Huh?" His eyes grew wide and the inner part of his eye brows went up. It was cute, his reaction.

"Yah leave the poor boy alone. You're sick. Go home and get some rest."

"Yeah yeah. Will do hyung."

"I'll see you later cutie."


I waved good bye and placed my hands in my pockets of my hoodie only to take one out so I could cough into my sleeve.
Moon goddess, I hate being sick. How did I even get sick this time?

Hoseok POV:

"Who was he?"

"A regular. Sometimes he'll come for weeks and sometimes he dissapears completely and comes back out of nowhere."

"Don't let him flirt with you. He's just like Jungkook. Actually he's worse than the kid."

"Well then I'll make sure not to get close to him. One jungkook is enough." My hyung and I started to laugh out loud in the almost empty cafe.

Yoongi: 31 years old
Hoseok: 19 years old
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I hope the age gap doesn't bother too many of you. I'm really excited for this book! It finally starts!
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