First day hassles

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Today was the first day for both Dad and I. Him with his new job and me at high school. Great, more weird people to deal with here. He dropped me off on his way to work.

I walked into the principal's office to get my schedule and locker when I heard a lot of screaming. Ah feels like home already.

The secretary pulled up my schedule and locker assignment and was going over things when I saw the guy from the boardwalk storm out, "Ah, go fuck yourself, you old drunk!"

The guy grabbed a chair and threw it through a glass window in the office. Now it feels like home.

An older man in his fifties came out, "Marjorie, call Damon's parents."

"Harry, they aren't going to be happy."

"I don't care. I'm tired of Damon and his antics. And call Joe to clean this mess up."

He walked back into his office, and I walked out, stepping over the glass. Okay, so the first day was met with yelling and broken glass. Maybe this school won't be so bad after all.

I walked, trying to find my locker. I looked at the map, trying to figure out where the hell I was. It should be a piece of cake since my last school was mammoth, and I finally found the locker. I opened the door and put my stuff away. I closed it only met with a pair of ocean blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair.

"Well, hellooooo there," he cooed.

It might have been cute if it wasn't so disturbing.

"Niko, you dick! What did I tell you about messing with my shit?" Another boy yelled, storming towards him. He grabbed the guy named Niko by the neck and slammed him up against the lockers.

"Come on, Luka! It was funny," Niko said. Okay, so Niko was the guy I ran into when I was in town.

"Stay out of my bathroom, you cocksucker," he yelled, dropping him.

As those two bickered back and forth, I heard another locker slam shut, causing me to jump. I turned to see the guy in the office next to me.

"Are you fucking ladies done?" He growled at them.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning," Luka asked.

"Old man Carter. I swear that guy needs to get fucking laid," he shot back.

"Ooooh. Carter has such a hard-on for you," Niko grinned.

"Fuck off, Niko. I don't need your bullshit this morning," he snapped.

They didn't notice me standing there, which I didn't hesitate to get the hell out of there.

"Ah, man! You morons just chased off this major hottie," Niko whined.

"What hottie?" Luka asked.

"The one that was standing right there," he gestured to the place I was standing.

"Niko, you drunk," Damon asked.

"No, but that sounds like one hell of a great idea," he smirked.

"I swear I live with an idiot," Luka huffed.

"Let's go before they have something else to nail me for," Damon said.

I walked into a class and found a seat. People stared at me. I swear you would think people have never seen a new person before.

After everyone took their seat, a guy waltz into the classroom. The teacher said, "Ah, Mr. Bennett, nice of you to join us."

"Whatever," he said as he made his way to a desk right next to mind.

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