Curfew's suck and so does having a chaperone

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With everything going on, along with a curfew in effect, Luka still wanted to take me out on a date. For that to happen, we needed a chaperone, who happens to be my dad. Yep, seventeen, and I get to have daddy chaperone me.

We pulled up to Luka's house in the truck, and I got out and knocked on his door. Niko answered it, he whistles then said, "Well, hello, hot stuff." My cheeks turned a light pink.

Luka came down and smacked Niko upside the head, "Quit flirting with my date."

"Hey, I can't help it if she's hot!"

He shot him a glare, "Yes, you can."

Luka grabbed my hand, leading me to the truck as I giggled. I climbed in first then him.

"Where to first?" Dad asked.

"The pizza place," I said, and with that, we were off.

"So, Luka, I've heard quite a bit of thing about you."


"Mal, I'm your father. I have a right to know."

Luka snickered.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"Just thinking about Star Wars. The line Luke, I am your father."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Great, I'm chaperoning two comedians," dad grumbled.

Hey, he asked for it.

We pulled up in front of the pizza place and walked in. Abby spotted us, "Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Abs," Luka said.

"Table for three?"

"Two separate tables please," I said, giving dad a look, and he raised his hands in defense.

"Ah, gotcha," she winked as she sat Luka and me at one table and dad at a booth near us.

We ordered a pizza and ate. Yes, I ate a couple of slices.

"Malia, we need to talk about your eating," he said.

"Luka, I ate," I said defensively.

"Yeah, two small slices."

"Okay, so I don't eat a whole lot. No big deal," I said casually.

"But it is. Malia, I don't like to see you not eating. It bothers me." I looked at him with furrowed brows, "I worry about you. Promise me you will eat more."

I sighed, "Fine." I grabbed another slice, a bigger slice this time and ate. A smile curled upon his lips, "Happy now?"


As we ate, trouble made their way into the pizzeria in the form of the Sheriff and Deputy.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, Henry. Two kids out past curfew."

Luka shot Henry a glare as he said, "Yeah, and standing here is a woman beater, you sick fuck."

Henry grabbed Luka out of his chair and yanked him up, "What did you say to me, boy?"

"You're nothing but a sick, sadistic pedophile that likes little boys," he said in a low voice.

"That's it. I'm taking you in," the deputy said as he threw him against the wall and brought his handcuffs only to be stopped by dad.

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