Chapter 1

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When Jesse landed in the water, pure shock and cold shot through her body like a million needles piercing her skin. She sank- bubbles danced around her, blurring her vision. Her long, ebony black hair whipped across her face as she treaded in a panicked circle. She took one look up towards the surface of the water, and was relieved when she saw a bright, blue sky instead of the hazy purple one that she was sure would enter her nightmares. A single thought struck trough her mind.


The relief quickly washed away when she remembered what had happened just before, and she let loose a gasp of fear, immediately regretting that decision. Water poured into her mouth, and she found herself choking. Desperate for air, Jesse paddled quickly upwards and broke the surface of the water.

Jesse coughed the water out of her lungs. Her green eyes were wide as she spun around wildly in a frantic search for her pig. If Reuben hadn't landed in the water... then where was he?

"There you are!" Exclaimed an allayed voice. Olivia was situated by the pond's edge, grinning widely. Her amber eyes were gleaming with pride. Axel was right behind her.

"We thought..." He rubbed his neck. "Well, we didn't think you'd made it." His eyes turned misty at the thought.

Jesse returned the smile weakly, since she couldn't seem to find her voice, as she swam to the shore. She pushed herself out of the water with difficulty. Before she could even catch her breath, she was being yanked to her feet and engulfed in a suffocating hug. She let loose a gasp at the sudden blow.

"Group hug!"

Olivia and Jesse yelped as two large arms wrapped around them and lifted them off of their feet. Axel was enveloping them in a hug, holding them above the ground. The two girls laughed, and Axel finally let them down again.

All around them parts of the Witherstorm were falling to bits, hitting the ground and disappearing in a cloud of smoke. One by one, the Endermen were slowly disappearing, hiding away from the sunlight.

"I... can't believe it's... actually dead!" Olivia said breathlessly.

"You did it, Jesse! You actually did it!" Lukas exclaimed, feeling obliged to give her a hug as well. Jesse blushed.

"Hey, guys! I remember!" Lukas and Jesse broke apart and turned around. Petra was bounding towards them with the hugest grin on her face. "I remember everything!"

"Oh, Petra! I'm so happy for you!" Olivia beamed.

Jesse wanted to be happy for her too, but before she could, a faint squeak sounded in her ears. It sounded weak and broken, but it was still there. Her eyes widened a bit, and Lukas couldn't help but notice how distressed they looked.

"Hey guys," Lukas asked softly. "Do you hear that?"

Everyone quieted down to listen. The squeak resonated around them once more, and Jesse scanned the area to find the source.

She found it coming from a small pink body lying on the ground, unmoving.


Jesse's feet suddenly took her as fast as they could go towards the injured pig. The raven haired girl could hear the patter of her friends' footsteps trailing behind her. When she was finally standing by his side, she skidded to a stop.

Her heart nearly stopped.

Reuben was limp, his eyes fluttering. It was as though someone was placing quarters on his eyelids. Every breath he took was short and laboured. His body was littered with dozens of bloody scrapes and bruises, and his legs were bent at a crooked angle. He was whimpering in pain.

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